Archive | Life

Our New Life on the Oregon Coast Forever: Part 2

Oregon Coast Forever / Bev Cooks

This is just week two, you guys. Week two! And it’s massive. And I’m starting the post with a skinny bearded man in plaid because Oregon. Let’s seeeeee…..when I left you last, we were headed to the Farmer’s Market. (two weeks ago today. my bad.) So let’s start there. Kansas City has some incredible (huge!) […]

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StonyFIELDS Organic Park Movement

StonyFIELDS Organic Park Movement / Bev Cooks

So like, we go to the park a lot. A LOT LOT. Remember that one time I drank a bunch of rosé and fell off my bike in the grass? Right. A lot. (stop laughing.) And embarrassingly, I never even THINK about the grass and what’s on it. (besides bugs. I definitely think slash panic […]

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A Fresh Dining Space – with Golden and Pine!

A Fresh Dining Space with Golden and Pine! / Bev Cooks

HOME. There’s weight in that word, isn’t there? How about DISCOUNT. Is there weight in that word? Thought so. Right now I’m reading Julie Andrews’ memoir of her earlier years, called Home. Have you read it? It is beyond fascinating! And I’m not even to the MARY POPPINS PART YET. I’ve always been drawn to […]

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