Tag Archives | wraps

Buffalo Chicken Wraps

Buffalo Chicken Wraps / Bev Cooks

You can’t get mad about the game day food, right? It’s so that time. These look laborious, but truly, they’re just odds and ends of whatever you have in the fridge that will make up these wraps. (I almost called them wrappy-poos but I remember I like having human friends.) I cannot get enough of […]

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Chicken Pita Wraps

Chicken Pita Wraps / Bev Cooks

Pita pita! Wait, have I told you this story? It’s not a story. But it reminds me of the way my sister and I say heater. And that is, heatah heatah! But back to back, very fast and obnoxiously high pitched. We’re the worst. Pita pita! Never mind. Ready to peepeth? It seems like a […]

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Quickest Buffalo Chicken Wrap Bake

Quickest Buffalo Chicken Wrap Bake / Bev Cooks

‘Bout to change. yo. life. and. weeknights. and. mouth. To the naked eye, it might appear that this is a warm, luscious, gooey, cheesy casserole filled with warm, luscious, gooey, cheesy fillings. Which . . . okay, that wouldn’t be a bad thing. But! It’s not. THIS, my infant pigeon babies, is my new weeknight, […]

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Asian Turkey Lettuce Cups


I have a kitchen. A real life kitchen with lights and electricity. A real life kitchen with water and soap and hand lotion. A real life kitchen with a sink so large, Hugh Hefner himself would glow at the possibilities. A real life kitchen with drawers so soft and slick, I’ll no longer look like […]

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