Tag Archives | mozzarella

Roth’s New Snack Cheeses! Because I need another reason to eat cheese.

Roth's New Snack Cheeses! / Bev Cooks

Haaaaaaaaaaaave you met Ted? Wait, that’s something else. Haaaaaaaaaaave you heard about Roth’s BRAND NEW SNACK CHEESES? (<—snack. cheese.) They’re here! And WARNING: your life is over. (I saw that smile.) Because hi, they’re individually-wrapped cheese bitey nibbles that come in not one, not two, but THA-REE flavors. Yep, the good news just keeps on […]

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Stuffed Baked Chicken

Stuffed Baked Chicken / Bev Cooks

Well hello there. Lover. Actually, I want to see if you can guess what’s stuffed inside those thar chicken breasts raht up thar. Cheese, duh. Spinach, right on. ARE YOU MOUTHING SAUERKRAUT IN DENIAL? I thought so. Come here, hold my hand. This is something my mom used to make when I was growing up, […]

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Just Like Mom Used To Make


That little phrase has been the supplier for many a giggle between my sister and me. Any time I ask her what she’s cooking for dinner, without fail her response ends with “ya know, just like mom used to make.” I’m positive she says it to drive me to the nearest noose, but I can’t […]

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