Tag Archives | hummus

Homemade Hummus

Homemade Hummus / Bev Cooks

It’s ABOUT time. I know. Hummus! Creamy, dreamy, smooth-like-buttah hummus. And guess what, I brought back a couple of tips from Israel! Including tahini from the original press in Jerusalem. Hello, cannot get any better than that. You can find good imported tahini everywhere, so just get the good stuff and you’re in fine shape […]

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Quick Vegetarian Greek Platter

Quick Vegetarian Greek Platter / Bev Cooks

Okay, so it’s not really a RECIPE recipe. But it is our weekly go-to vegetarian Greek night meal! And I don’t think you’re going to hate it or me. The only real cooking you’ll do is the cauliflower. But I have a top secret James Bond trick to tell you, and you can’t tell ANYONE […]

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Thai Turkey Lunch Wrap

Thai Turkey Lunch Wrap / Bev Cooks

I don’t really know why I call it Thai. The coconut? The coconut! This is a quick lunch that I’ve been making for a few months now, and it never occurred for me to put it on the blog until semi recently when my noggin woke up from a ding dong coma. DUH, you guys […]

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Roasted Tomato Hummus


T-minus 48 hours until I go on vacation, y’alls. Okay so what does “T-minus” mean anyway? I always feel like whoever says it needs to be wearing aviators, small headphones and a brown bomber jacket. Teddy bear-minus? Thunderstorm-minus? Tap shoes-minus? Tomato hummus-minus? I’m going to look it up. Hold on real quick . . . […]

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