Tag Archives | homemade

Homemade Ricotta

Homemade Ricotta / Bev Cooks

OMG. First, this is a journey for me. Much like Mary Oliver, pie crusts and my ever-growing brass mirror collection. A journey. (don’t look at me like that, Mindy.) Which means, I’ve not mastered it. But I had to document where I landed this week because still, STILL, it was unbelievably flooring. My ricotta (which […]

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Apple Pastries with Homemade Dulce de Leche

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I may never be the same. Matter of fact, I don’t want to ever be the same. After the discovery of HOMEMADE dulce de leche, I feel the time has come to finally lock myself in a cage with endless vats of this other-worldly nectarous syrup of the sweetened milk gods, and say goodbye forever. […]

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Easy Homemade Pizza Rolls


Total cop-out post . . . or brilliance. I’ll let you decide. But if it’s cop-out, don’t tell me, coo? I don’t know what it is lately, if I’m subconsciously preppin’ for the after-school snacks era, or if my little leeches love pizza and tortillas and cheese just as much as I do, but you […]

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Homemade Pub-Style Beef Burgers


How about a burger? But wait. I don’t think y’awnderstaaaaand the situaaation. (said like Bill Cosby) It all started one Saturday morning last fall as I was meticulously planning the weekend with Pinterest in my lap and PBS on the TVs. Or as I like to call it: Inspiration Station. Don’t have a ticket? That’s […]

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Homemade Ricotta Cheese


So you know how we went to Arkansas last weekend for the holiday and I got that enormous tree log splinter stuck in my thigh? Well I have good news. We got the splinter out. And then we made cheese. And the cool thing was, the very tools and chemicals we used to get the […]

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