Tag Archives | holiday

Holiday Gift Guide 2021!

Holiday Gift Guide 2021 / Bev Cooks

A gift guiiiiiide! It’s been so long since I’ve put together one of these, how fun. This thing has a little bit of everything, because I know how overwhelming it can be to think about gifting, the budget, what’s actually necessary, but still thoughtful and sweet, yadda yadda yadda. I’ll tell you now, the most […]

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Friday Flotsam

wet leaves with snow boots

Faaaaaaaaah-raaaaaaaah-heeeeeeeee-deeeeeeeeeee. I have something to tell you. And this might be a deal breaker for us. Catastrophic even. It’s one of those things that I’ve tried forever to get on board with. Every year, I try. And every year, I can’t. And truthfully, it’s something I’ve known about about myself, I think my whole life, […]

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I Botched a Recipe, But I Have a Song!

Bev and Aaron - 2004

Weeeeeell. What was supposed to be creamy and luscious, turned out oily and separated. What was supposed to take one hour in the oven, took 2 hours and 45 minutes. What was supposed to be seductively tangy and delicately acidic, turned out borderline bitter and pucker face inducing, even producing several under-the-breath grumbles at the […]

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Mini Chocolate Pudding Galettes

Mini Chocolate Pudding Galettes / Bev Cooks

Dessert! We seriously, desperately need dessert. And not only is it a dessert, it’s more like a Thanksgiving/Holiday/Life HACK. Because you guys, it’s chocolate pudding in those galettes. As in, those clever little boxes of chocolate pudding. Open, mix, heat up, stir, done. I’m not being tacky! I’m being HACKY. (<–I’m making shirts.) Also, cream […]

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Friday Flotsam

Processed with VSCOcam with s2 preset

He came. He went. That sunbia conquered. And you’re totally creeped out. Tell me how your Christmas was! Was it wonderful? Horrible? Snowy? Hot? Stressful? Relaxing? Did you get everything on your wish list? Are you exhausted? Ready to do it again? Never want to think about the holidays for the rest of time? If […]

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Snoopits: The Holiday Edition

Processed with VSCOcam with s2 preset

SANDY CLAWS IS COMINNNNG TO TOOOOOWN. It’s been an entire year since I’ve screamed Christmas songs at you. You’ve ached daily for it, haven’t you? Welcome to the last edition of Snoopits for the year! I need to think of things for you to snoop in 2015. My sock drawer? (just kidding) My collection of […]

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Bacon-Wrapped Stuffing Bites


Gah! Sorry I’ve been so MIA. Between my own doctor, the vet and outside deadlines before le bebes arrives, it’s straight up whack-a-doodleville over here. But I’m showing you bacon today, so that makes up for it, right? . . . R  . . . right? But first, the deal with my dog: Charlie girl. […]

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