Tag Archives | camping

Friday Flotsam


FREELERLEE DEELERLEE DAY. We’re going camping today. IN THE WILDERNESS WOODS. With the Blair Witch. Today and tomorrow and all weekend. Like three days of tent life. But we’ll get back to this. Let’s talk about piercings! (my mom just got super panicked right now.) It dawned on me the other day that no one […]

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Friday Flotsam

cappuccino and tile

FRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII(warning:therearefartoomanyfeetphotosinthefollowingpost)DAY. We’re not going camping. Guys. We’re not going camping. We bought a huge TENT, some AIR MATTRESSES, a SLEEPING BAG, thrifted some CHAIRS, a COOLER, some kid SLEEPING BAGS, and we’re not going camping. Not going. (What if I just went to the next subject right now and didn’t tell you why? How much […]

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Friday Flotsam

brunch scene

FraHAHAHHAHAHAHiday. So I’m digging Glossier! I’m totally into my little Phase 2 Starter Kit purchase thingy. I CAN’T DECIDE (you’re going to get super mad at me) what I think of Boy Brow. Only because I think I need someone to guide me. Remember my eyebrows are like tiny horse hair pube brooms, so they […]

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Friday Flotsam


Feh Reh IIIIIIIII deh Aeh Yay. I just now, JUST NOW, this week, a few days ago, JUST NOW learned the exact word to describe my home approach. And of course it’s a weird word to write and say, so I find it very serendipitous to my life strangeness. HYGGE. Hygge! But pronounced Hue-gah. You […]

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