Just Like Mom Used To Make


That little phrase has been the supplier for many a giggle between my sister and me. Any time I ask her what she’s cooking for dinner, without fail her response ends with “ya know, just like mom used to make.” I’m positive she says it to drive me to the nearest noose, but I can’t […]

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Is That a Snowflake In My Soup


Tonight is a night many Kansas Citians have been waiting for. At last, a local weatherman, Gary Lezak, is giving his winter weather forecast at 10pm. I’ll be honest, I’m bracing myself for pessimal news. I’m even polishing my baseball bat in case of an unexpected, belligerent urge to bash in the TV. Things could […]

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I should also mention that my husband got a hankerin’ yesterday to make dessert. I blinked and mixed berry cobbler appeared right before me. I know. I know.

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Let Them Eat Crab Cake


Mission Front Yard Leaves: completed. Mission Back Yard Leaves: I can’t bear to imagine or I’ll start crying and never stop. But then crab cakes entered my mouth. I had forgotten the power of crab cakes and how with one bite they can erase any sign of depression, anxiety or general sadness due to leaf […]

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The Cottage Pie Haze


Last night I was under the influence, of Martha Stewart. And when you are in this condition meals like cottage pie come out of it. It’s a lot like shephard’s pie, but instead of mashed potatoes, they are sliced thinly and roasted on top of the seasoned meat. You can clearly see how this turned […]

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I Will Be Signing Autographs


Well, it happened. The break I’ve been waiting for. This might be my last post because I’m headed out on the road y’all. Turns out the karaoke leader at the birthday party last night works for Universal Records and he was so enamored with my version of “Man! I Feel Like A Woman!” that he […]

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Singin’ For My Supper


Tonight I blew the dust off of my old Shania Twain dvd video collection. It was a gift. I was young. No judging. The reason I got it out is that I have to re-learn “I Feel Like a Woman” for my dear friend Ashlee’s karaoke birthday party this Friday night. And I’m talking dance […]

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Fumbling Towards Ecstasy


As I was driving home from work tonight I made a disconcerting discovery about myself. I am so behind the times. I was listening to my favorite compact disc in my red, portable compact disc player attached to my car tape deck via adapter, when a short in the wires caused the song to bounce […]

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