Monthly Mixtape: Fire

Monthly Mixtape: FIRE

Noooooooovembra! I can’t even think about it. How has this year flown by??? Let’s not even discuss it. When did it all slip away??? Don’t even mention it. Why does it go by so fast??? I don’t want to even talk about it. BUT. We can talk about a new mixtape! I actually started working […]

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Friday Flotsam

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

FRIDAY! And not only that- HALLOWEEN WEEKEEEND. (not even sorry to scream) I cannot deal with dry cleaning. Any tag that says “dry clean only,” I’m like PASS. Actually, remember Mitch Hedberg’s old bit about dry clean only? “This shirt is dry clean only. Which means . . . it’s dirty.” Hahahah! My life. I […]

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Simple Banana Ricotta Pancakes

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Breakfast! And also, I lost my camera cord. You know the cord that attaches the camera to the computer so you can dump photos? Lost it. And it’s MAKING ME CRAZY. I use it almost every single day. It’s always in one spot! And now it’s completely gone. Vanished. Disappeared. This has twins written all […]

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Friday Flotsam

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

friday                              !!!!!!! Can we talk about garlic cloves for a second? Not like, the flavor or anything, but the actual clove size, and the b.s. morphing of shrivelment that occurs over a short amount of time. I always think about asking you about this when I’m IN the kitchen, frustrated as pathetic slivers of wimpy […]

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Friday Flotsam

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

f                                                          R I D A                                                               y. I almost skipped Flotsam this week. My alarm went off this morning at booty:30 and I was like, really? Do I have to? I think I’ll stay in bed. I don’t really have anything to say. They wouldn’t even notice! But unfortunately my […]

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Buffalo Chicken Bowls


Oh hi, delicious bowls of buffalo bliss. Come sit by me. These are like buffalo chicken wraps (my fave ever), but in a bowl! Like a Chipotle burrito bowl (also fave ever), but buffalo! Like if Paul McCartney and Stevie Nicks had a yummy hybrid love baby! Don’t tell them I said that. A few […]

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