Mini Cheeseburger Pizzas

Mini Cheeseburger Pizzas / Bev Cooks

Who knew that pickles on a pizza would rise to be my seventh greatest love in life. You don’t want me to go into the first six. I’m sure you have an actual life to lead. Cheeseburger PIZZAS, y’alls. These pups have been on my to-make list since Watergate. However – I went back and […]

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Friday Flotsam


Fridaaaayyyyyeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiyyyyyyyyeeeeyyyyyyyy.     (!) Who else is completely terrified of the back of a hairdryer? You’re already like, PSYCHO. You know, that little round eggy area with the mini mesh prison bars? What goes ON in there? Are there tiny hairdryer elves living and breeding inside that wee vortex of death? I’ve always been nervous when I […]

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DIY: Rose Water Face Wash

DIY: Rose Water Face Wash / Bev Cooks

We’re making beauty products! Well, just one. We’re going to make one beauty product. But still. !!! This is theee easiest and most gloriously and exquisitely luxurious face wash OF ALL TIME. (don’t quote me on that.) But it is. Until I come up with something better, THIS IS IT FOR MY LIFE. (and face.) […]

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Friday Flotsam

Fayetteville Farmer's Market Peonies

FRI-YDYDYDYDYAAAAAAY. (that was me saying Fri-yay without actually saying Fri-yay.) I’ve been keeping something in for quite a while now. It’s a fact that I’ve come to accept about myself and embrace, without shame. Just yesterday, however, I was finally able to say the words out loud and not brace for disapproval or disgust. And […]

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Spicy Tuna Poke Lettuce Wraps

Spicy Tuna Poke Lettuce Wraps / Bev Cooks

Remember in the early Facebook days how you’d get poked all the time? And it was incredibly awkward? Like, what was that even supposed to mean? I remember getting poked, and being like, “Ew. Don’t.” They never got poked back, and I was okay with that. Speaking of OKAY, I do realize that in this […]

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Friday Flotsam

Gremlins Reading

Frahdeeleeleeelaaalaaaaaalooooooo. ARE YOU GUYS WATCHING THE PATH? That sentence totally didn’t need to be in all caps. Let me try again. Are you guys watching The Path? It’s the same people as FNL and Parenthood, which on PAPER is a done deal. Why on earth would you not watch it? (btw, NO spoilers ahead. promise.) […]

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Quickest Buffalo Chicken Wrap Bake

Quickest Buffalo Chicken Wrap Bake / Bev Cooks

‘Bout to change. yo. life. and. weeknights. and. mouth. To the naked eye, it might appear that this is a warm, luscious, gooey, cheesy casserole filled with warm, luscious, gooey, cheesy fillings. Which . . . okay, that wouldn’t be a bad thing. But! It’s not. THIS, my infant pigeon babies, is my new weeknight, […]

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