Archive | Soup

Vegetarian Minestrone

Vegetarian Minestrone / Bev Cooks

Wait, is all minestrone vegetarian? Let’s not google it. I’m leaving the title. Also I’m leaving the chicken stock. So it’s not FULLY vegeta- never mind. This soup is a cold-weather-no-brainer. Beans and pasta for guts, loads of veggies for HAYELTH, some fire-roasted tomatoes because this is rebellion in the middle age, and a hit […]

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Creamy Sausage, Mushroom and Wild Rice Soup

Creamy Sausage, Mushroom and Wild Rice Soup / Bev Cooks

Another soup! You’re not upset, are you? This time, we’re going a little more creamy. With Italian sausage. And two mushrooms. And wild rice! It’s a dream, in other words. Let us peepeth. Okay, so the wild rice we’ll violently throw in a rice cooker. This way you can start it early (I feel like […]

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Salmon, Leek and Potato Chowder

Salmon, Leek and Potato Chowder / Bev Cooks

Okay, head up. Pencil down. Eyes right here. You ready for this? Oh, oh bay-buh. It’s a dreamy, creamy lemony spring soup with flaked salmon, tender red potatoes and sautéed aromatic leeks. Which I feel like is obvious, given that they’re in a soup. But still. You needed the imagery. This is an embarrassing cinch […]

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Smoked Cajun Chicken and Sausage Soup

Smoked Cajun Soup with Chicken and Andouille Sausage / Bev Cooks

The Smoked Cajun Soup! Oh, I’ve been embarrassingly excited to show you this. PHENOM. Stupid flavorful. And you can make it work without a smoker, so don’t get murdery just yet. Let us peepeth. The one thing missing from this photo because I’m a ding-dong is a can of diced tomatoes. Get one! And these […]

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Chicken and Wild Rice Soup

Chicken and Wild Rice Soup / Bev Cooks

SA-LURP. I’m going to get through this blog post as quickly as I can, as I’ve started my official clear liquid diet in prep for my colonoscopy tomorrow, and looking at food is T O R T U R E. But we’re okay. I’m okay. You’re more than okay. Let’s peep this already. I added […]

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The TikTok Chinese Noodle Soup

The TikTok Chinese Noodle Soup / Bev Cooks

You’ve seen this, right? You’ve seen this on TikTok, haven’t you? WELL, I changed it up just a weeeee bit (shocker, I know), but I kept the basic principles the same. And it’s SO.GOOD. Like, really really really good. It has a raw egg and mayo in it. In other words, brace yourselves. Our cast […]

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Chicken, Kale and Pinto Bean Soup

Chicken, Kale and Pinto Bean Soup / Bev Cooks

Things are getting a bit brothy over here, you guys. This soup, OH this soup. It’s classic, ya know. A bit of protein, a bit of wilted curly greens, a few beans for guts, and loads of lemon to wake it up. Just how we like it. It’s mega simple, if you’re looking for something […]

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