Archive | Rice

Mushroom Risotto

Mushroom Risotto / Bev Cooks

Ohhhhhh baby babe! We dig risotto. Do you dig risotto? Normally I do a tomato-based risotto with spinach and sausage (like this one!), but today we’re going with nothing but shallots and garlic and mushrooms and thyme and wine and it is doing the trick, man. And it’s vegetarian, if you’re in need of carbs […]

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Spiced Salmon and Rice Bowls

Spiced Salmon and Rice Bowls / Bev Cooks

Totally a throw-together meal. And light! Because it’s almost spring and I’m feeeeeling it. If you don’t do enough with salmon and want to start doing more with salmon, consider this your gateway. It’s wildly flavorful and embarrassingly easy to get on the table. (and quick, holy moly) Let us peepeth! The spice paste is […]

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Creamy Skillet Chicken and Mushrooms

Creamy Skillet Chicken and Mushrooms / Bev Cooks

Luscious alert! You’ve been warned. It’s still chilly, so let’s make something classic and warm and homey before we can’t anymore. Not that we’ll not be able to make this in June. We may not want to, is all I’m saying. You may want to. Don’t let me stop you! I’m just meaning that this […]

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