Archive | Pasta

Slow-Roasted Tomato Pasta


I’m not gonna lie to you. I never got out of my robe today. I knoooow, I knoooow. I have an excuse though! It rained all day. What, not good enough? Let’s see, what about this: all my house work was done? Um, okay. What about: I needed to slow-roast tomatoes today, and that required […]

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Orzo Primavera

Orzo Primavera

Well hello Friday night. How you doin’? And howdy Mr. half a box of orzo. Oh, and I’d totally forgotten about you ear of corn! But not you asparagus. Not you. I see you back there, half of a red bell pepper. I remember you from earlier in the week. Ooooo, hello 1/4th of a […]

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Pasta With Veggies, Yes’m.


So, mid-summer last year our computer’s hard drive crashed. We lost everything. EVERYTHING. Wedding pictures, all our music, everything. (I’m still recovering.) To make matters worse, I thought I’d lost this gigantor box with all of our CDs. Do you remember what CDs are? They look like DVDs, but contain only music. Not ringing a […]

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Heavenly Stuffed Shells Stuffed With Heaven


Mama. Mia. Mother of the babies that drink the morning dew. If there is one thing truly meant for you to do in this life and on this planet, it is to take an afternoon and make stuffed jumbo shells. STUFFED JUMBO SHELLS. Wonderfully large pasta shells filled to the rim with fluffy ricotta, velvety […]

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