Archive | Monthly Mixtape

Monthly Mixtape: Zoned out Droned Out

Monthly Mixtape: Zoned out Droned out / bev cooks

You’re about to get soooooo vibed out. First of all, happy March! Our trees are already budding. Daffodils are in full force and I’ve heard an achoo or two in the distance. Spring is here. And this mixtape is exactly what you’ll need for this seasonal transition. It’s all instrumental tripped out lo-fi jazz experimental […]

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Monthly Mixtape: Mulled Wine and Cream Twine

Monthly Mixtape / Mulled Wine and Cream Twine

Your Christmas jaaaaaams, bruh! (<—sorry) This mixtape might feel like a cop-out because it’s a collection of favorites from ALL my other Christmas mixtapes. But listen, if you have yet to delve into the past six or so of those, this will get you there. When it comes to Christmas music, I’m a bit persnickety. […]

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Monthly Mixtape: All The Vibes (Again!)

Monthly Mixtape: All The Vibes (Again!) / Bev Cooks

Hey-ohhhhh, November! I’m giving you guys a repeat. We’re in that season of life of WHEN IT RAINS IT POURS. New furnace. (ouch) Sick dog. (she’s all good.) Wonky TV. (found a janky solution for now.) Dead car (officially car shopping and I hate it.) But! – I’m not naturally a complainer, just explaining why […]

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Monthly Mixtape: Apple Trees and Autumn Tease

Monthly Mixtape: Apple Trees and Autumn Tease / Bev Cooks

Septeeeembaaaaaah! What I thought was going to be a hellacious month from the infected blisters of Satan’s armpit is actually looking to be more pleasant. Woo hoo! The weather keeps shifting. Dipping. Chances of rain are now popping up. My mood is improving by the hour, you guys. So let’s have a mixtape that accompanies […]

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