A few things: Happy almost June! I know it’s not technically the new month yet, but I jumped the gun yesterday and ripped May straight up off my wall calendar, so that a fresh, blank month could smile right back at me. Ahhhhh. Of course it was only blank for 1.7863 minutes, before I penciled […]
Archive | Monthly Mixtape
Monthly Mixtape: It’s Like We’re in a Scene from Parenthood
First of all, just how achingly much do you miss Parenthood? It’s BAD, I KNOW. More importantly, how bad do you miss the music from Parenthood? I can sense you nodding . . . and tearing up. It’s not even a specific song. It’s that overall EMOTIONAL FACE PUNCH that the music editors were able […]
Monthly Mixtape: Judge This Song By Its Cover
COVER SONGS. You either loathe them, tolerate them, or dedicate your life to them. You know exactly where you stand. I’d like to think I’m a healthy mix. While I can remember the days when I was playing bass guitar and singing in my old bands, people would ask, “You’re in a band? Cool! Is […]
Monthly Mixtape: Parachute Pants and Saxophone Solos
Look, you knew this was going to happen sooner or later. There was no doubt. But listen, I figured it’s best to get it over with early enough in the year, so you have ample time to heal from this glorious torture. Oh yes, pigeons, I’m talking about the NINETEEN EIGHTIES. (!!!) No duh. Ohhhhh […]
Monthly Mixtape: Couple Skate
Hello, February! Did you know we have a leap day this month? Does that mean the extra day DELAYS the gray hairs, or speeds them up? I have yet to decide how I feel about this. That photo right there? ^^^ I’d like to think this is a pivotal moment of discovery in their lives, […]
Monthly Mixtape: Champagne and Diet
Happy NEW YEAR!!! Nothing blew up on your end, right? Same here. Everything’s still in tact. Besides a few loose screws in my noggin’. Do you remember where you were during Y2K?! I still think about that. I worked at a bank at the time and everyone was TERRIFIED the computers were going to freeze […]
Monthly Mixtape: Zuzu’s Petals and Eggnog
HO HO HOOOO! (I’m not calling you that. I’m just saying it because Christmasti- never mind.) Weeeell, the madness has arrived, you guys. And I want to know how you feel about it! Are you the type of person that’s like, “Seriously, can we just get through this already?” Or do you decorate your own […]
Monthly Mixtape: Fire
Noooooooovembra! I can’t even think about it. How has this year flown by??? Let’s not even discuss it. When did it all slip away??? Don’t even mention it. Why does it go by so fast??? I don’t want to even talk about it. BUT. We can talk about a new mixtape! I actually started working […]
Monthly Mixtape: Trick-or-Treat, Smell-My-Feet
OCTOBAAAAH! This is my all-time favorite month, you guys. Well, October and April. Maybe May. I like November, too. Wait, June is good! Anyway. It’s a new month, which means a new MIXTAPE, bae bae. And iiiit’s a good ‘n. Yesterday we found ourselves with a few afternoon hours of not madness, so we decided […]
Monthly Mixtape (Crunchy Bangs and Flannel)
You’re wondering what on earth took me so long, aren’t you? Well it’s here, puddle bugs. It’s here. I feel like it would be a complete injustice if I did not make you a mixtape that helped form and construct and mold and embody ALL OF OUR DELICATE EARS AND LIVES FOR AN ENTIRE DECADE. […]