Archive | Gnocchi

Skillet Gnocchi Lasagna

Skillet Gnocchi Lasagna / Bev Cooks

O. M. G. I’m sorry, but you’re about to throw away and violently torch all the previous lasagna recipes you’ve ever known after this. JAY KAY JAY KAY jay kay. But really, this gnocchi-take on lasagna is going to creep into your psyche and hibernate there until you decide to make lasagna. And then you’ll […]

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Rosemary Chicken Gnocchi

Rosemary Chicken Gnocchi / Bev Cooks

And it’s one pot! One pan, I mean. A skillet. Whatever you have. Never mind. Okay this is like, the unofficial slash official gateway to fall for your mouth. Just the words ROSEMARY CHICKEN feel like they should under a giant leaf pile. In a sweater. Or a navy blazer. (ordered one from J.Crew! I’ll […]

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Seared Cod with Skillet Gnocchi

Seared Cod with Skillet Gnocchi / Bev Cooks

Let’s eat some fish! I hardly ever eat fish. And then I see people eating fish in the world and I’m like, “Oh yeah, fish. I want some fish.” So, I made you fish! And it’s wild-caught, so delete that hate email you started, ‘MKAY. This is a total weeknight recipe. But the funny thing […]

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Creamy Beef and Gnocchi Soup

Creamy Beef and Gnocchi Soup / Bev Cooks

Things are about to change for you, I can feel it. And taste it. Because this. THIS. It’s like, one step. Plus a few more. So like three steps total. And one step is pure weeping. You know I’m Queen Soup, don’t argue with me. This is going to be that soup that’s on the […]

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Summer Gnocchi with Corn and Smoked Sausage

Summer Gnocchi with Corn and Smoked Sausage / Bev Cooks

And jalapeno! Can’t forget the jalapeno. Because jalapeno. So the story behind theez har recipay: I have a winter version. Actually, it’s not so much a winter version, but an all-the-time-in-my-face version. Kale, Italian sausage, GUH. You know my love for those two words back to back. The other week I made the kale/sausage version […]

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