Archive | Friday Flotsam

Friday Flotsam (and some insane news!)

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FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFruduh. You guys, I was nakedly dangled in death’s poisonous, foaming open jaw this week. Kind of. We got home Sunday night after a long anniv/Easter weekend, and I was totally fine. Sleepy like normal, but fine. Woke up Monday morning, feeling pretty okay. A little stressed about my work load, but okay. Theeeeen, right […]

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Friday Flotsam

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FRIDAYYYYYYYYYYYYYXOXOXO. Did you like how I just threw in some hugs and kisses right there at the end? Or am I making you want to punch me in the shins, being too early in the morning for hugs and kisses? I can go back and take it out! Naw. Lots and lots going on here. […]

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Friday Flotsam

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Fridildy Fradildy Frudildy doo! I got lazy yesterday and didn’t post anything. Hold on, lazy’s not the word. More like, stretched too thin. Burning my candle stick at both ends. Taking on too much. OVER it, man. I blame my sunglasses. See, two weekends ago they decided to stay at my friend’s house while I […]

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Friday Flotsam

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F.  R.  I.  D.  A.  Y.  M.  A.  D.  N.  E.  S.  S.  I.  N.  M.  A.  R.  C.  H.  A.  A.  A.  A. Are you guys watching March Madness? I was a dumb dumb last week and told you that when my Arkansas friends came up we’d be watching the March Madness. When in […]

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Friday Flotsam

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Oh oops a Fridian slip. It’s the WEEKEND. Got mah teeth cleaned this week. I go every six months. I’m sort of on top of my dentist game, I have to say. And you might find it surprising based on what happened to me and my designer denim about ten years ago. But that was […]

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Friday Flotsam

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Fra la la la laaaa la la la daaaay. So, we’re done with House of Cards. Ohhhh my gah. We finished on Tuesday night actually. I PROMISE there are no spoilers here! Promise. But I’d like to share my thoughts if that’s okay. Frank – OMG. Claire – OMMMMGGGGG. Doug – Wh . . . […]

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Friday Flotsam

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FRAH-DAH. Ah lahk it ah laht. Have you seen Dumb and Dumber To yet? How ironically genius slash funny is it that they use the word To instead of Two? I giggle every time. I have to say, the movie is pretty dern funny. They basically stole the plot line from the first one and […]

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Friday Flotsam

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f.r.i.d.a.y.y.y.y.y. So, when you read books that take place outside of the Americas, do you read them in that accent? I’m still reading The Girl On the Train (holy crap it’s getting good), but I keep forgetting it’s in England! Aside from the fact that the word London is mentioned in every other paragraph. But […]

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Friday Flotsam

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Ffffffrrrrrreeeeeee-deeeeeeeeeeee. Happy almost Balemtime’s Bay! Yessssss, yes, I’m that jerk who uses a B instead of a V. It’s something in my DNA, I dunno. Just flick me, already. What are your plans?! Will you fight the crowds and eat out? (ugh) Or will you stay home in your yoga pants with a bottle of […]

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Friday Flotsam

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FREE. DEE. DOO. (that’s Friday. with a doo at the end. i’m gross.) Where to even start!? Oh – books and T.V. Duh. THANK YOU for all your interesting book suggestions last week! I’ve made a little file in my iphone notes with all the titles, like a total nerd, and plan on making my […]

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