FRIDAAAAAAAAAA y. Listen to this dream I had… It’s so weird, you guys. I’m almost nervous to tell you! But maybe you can help me dissect it, and together we can figure out exactly what is so defective with my noggin. So I was at this . . . courtyard-type of […]
Archive | Friday Flotsam
Friday Flotsam
ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffRIDAY. I FINISHED GILMORE GIRLS. Waaaaaaaah. (also, maj spoilers!) Well, I finished the series, not the revival. So, technically I still have six more hours of Lorelai and Rory and Paris and Luke and Jess and Dean and Logan (gross) and Miss Patty and Babette and Kirk and errrbody else. Wait! I heard Sookie’s not […]
Friday Flotsam
f r i day. I accidentally bought flavored coffee so I’m extra murdery right now. WHO MAKES FLAVORED COFFEE? WHY? Why would someone do that to coffeeeeee?! The greatest body fuel of all time! (never mind water, leafy greens, all berries, whole grains, and other yawn-a-licious stuff like that.) But coffee! COFFEE. What is this, […]
Friday Flotsam
FRI LA LA LA LAAAA LA LA LA DAY. Do your eyeballs ever wiggle in their sockets? You know like, when you sort of rest your eyes, and they just start boogieing on their own? It’s the weirdest feeling! I can’t decide if I hate it or want to cut a rug with them. It […]
Friday Flotsam
Friddledeedeeeeeeeee! I WITNESSED A BREAK-IN. And it was the weirdest, I didn’t even know it’s what I was seeing. I mean, I watched a nice SUV drive up to my neighbor’s house, saw a dude get out and walk up to their front door, watched him sort of look around, and then . . . […]
Friday Flotsam
F r I d AAAAAAAAAAA y. I think I’m getting into neck yoga. IT IS A THING, STOP. I feel like the moment my body turned 40, it sent a private DM to Elli (the goddess of old age in Greek mythology) with the subject heading “URGENT!” and a detailed set of […]
Friday Flotsam
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF r i dls a we a d aldkjfs a DAY. I feel like I’ve not posted a Flotsam in 35 hundred thousand lifetimes! Which in reality it was only one week, but so much has happened in the last two WEEKS, you guys. I just needed last Friday off. Except, when I asked my […]
Friday Flotsam
FAH-reedee. Also known as: ONLY SIX MORE DAYS OF GOBBLE-FEST PREP. (aaaaand six more days until the new Gilmore Girls comes out! Ugh, but we can’t even rightly talk about it because I’m NO WHERE NEAR READY. I’m finishing season two today. Season two! This is how slow I’ve been. But listen! I have – […]
Friday Flotsam
Friday. It’s been a heavy week. Hearts are heavy. Minds are heavy. Emotional fumes are more potent than ever. Opinions of all kinds are being handed out like baby kittens in a parking lot. But I just want to take a quick moment to express something that I know you’ve all been reflecting on since […]
Friday Flotsam
FRIDAY………………yadrif. You know that one quiz that was popular on the interflex a short while back about who you are as three fictional characters? First of all, I can’t stand those kinds of quizzes. Also, I’m secretly in love with those kinds of quizzes. Except! I couldn’t find the quiz. I mean, I found ONE […]