Author Archive | Bev Weidner

Friday Flotsam

pretty flowers / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrruhduuuuh. Okay, let me start by saying, I’m not going to leave. I don’t want to leave. I can’t leave you, are you kidding me! Naw, girl. BUT. Everything has changed. (as they do.) Persnickety algorithms, uninterested clients, lost work, shifted interests – it all changes. And to be honest, sometimes my joy suffers from […]

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Greek Turkey Meatballs with Elbow Macaroni

Greek Turkey Meatballs with Elbow Macaroni / Bev Cooks

One pot wonder comin’ at ya! Okay, there’s a tiny bit of legwork up front, but you can whip up the meatballs AND the yogurt drizzle whenever you want. Early in the day perhaps. Right at dinnertime. It’s all pretty simple, and you’ll faaaaa-lip over how it tastes. And yes we’re drizzling yogurt over a […]

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Friday Flotsam


Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrri.d.a.y.y.y.y.yy.y.y.y.y. YOU GUYS. I have the funniest story to start your Friday. I’m telling you, I felt like I was in the damn Twilight Zone, and you need to know about this so that you can pull this prank on your family. Or Taylor Swift lover. SO, last Saturday evening after a loooong day of […]

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Basque Cheesecake

Basque Cheesecake / Bev Cooks

OKAAAAAAAY now. You’ll want to pony up for this one. Have you ever heard of a basque cheesecake? I had not, but saw it on Instagram a few weeks back and nearly blacked out at how simple and amazing it looked. So I tried it. And I’m putting it here. Because O.M.G. Let us peepeth. […]

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Friday Flotsam

ferns in the sun / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrroooooder! You know what I would LOVE to do? A bookstore reel for you. Nothing but local Kansas City/OP indie bookstores (some new, some old) that ooze charm, plants, and even wine. We have it all. I’m dead serious. We have bookstore downtown that is a BAR. Wanna come? (I’m looking at you, Ash.) I’m […]

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Fennel and Parsley Salad

Fennel and Parsley Salad / Bev Cooks

WELLLL I had a great post up, but it all vanished. So! here are the photos. I can’t remember what I said earlier, but it was a gas I tell you. A gas. Hope you enjoyed this post. Ha! Fennel and Parsley Salad Save Recipe Print Recipe Ingredients1 fennel bulb, trimmed, cored and thinly sliced […]

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Friday Flotsam

dogwood / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! I’m taking a break from Poets to come chat. Also, a DOUBLE ALBUM? Of course Taylor did this to us. Of course. Does she not know what we can and cannot handle? Yes and yes. At first listen, it feels like an extension of You’re Losing Me. Which I’m 100% in for. I love […]

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Cheddar and Chive Biscuits

Cheddar and Chive Biscuits / Bev Cooks

Biscuits! But with buttermilk and cheddar cheese and chives, so yeah. This is that exact recipe you’ll whip out when you’re craving comfort, but springy. Every single brunch begs for these carbalicious discs. And see, we’ll go crazy with the cheese. (not cheese whiz though. name that song.) It feels like a biscuit kind of […]

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BBQ Chicken and Rice Bowls

BBQ Chicken and Rice Bowls / Bev Cooks

So insanely easy you will NOT believe. This is always my goal for you. For us. For me. For the world. Simple, but with a punch. I do appreciate a good meditative project recipe from time to time. But it’s a Tuesday night, bro. I need this ish to come together pronto. Let us peepeth. […]

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