Author Archive | Bev Weidner

Friday Flotsam

poppy garden / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrri’m back! Yeah, I was gone a little bit. Didn’t notice? Oh. First of all, how’s your summer going? How are we all feeling? When does school start? I’m just kidding. Sort of. OKAY – it’s very very very hot outside, and we need to take a poll. Because I’m normally in a certain camp […]

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Sundried Tomato and Rosemary Focaccia

Sundried Tomato and Rosemary Focaccia / Bev Cooks

OooooooWEE! Yes we’re baking bread in the middle of summer, and it’s wonderful. I say “middle of summer” – when technically summer starts this week. What’s the solstice? 20th? 21st? Hold on, let me look. 20th! So we’re having summer solstice focaccia. My grand plan all along. We’ve made a lot of bread on this […]

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Pickle Juice Salad Dressing

Pickle Juice Salad Dressing / Bev Cooks

Have you even HEARD of this? Oh, we’re making it immediately. I saw a video of a dude on IG making this pickle juice dressing using the remaining pickle juice in the bottom of a jar, which is my life thrice a week, given the amount of pickles my offspring snarf. Um, it is amazing. […]

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Salmon, Bacon and Roasted Corn Subs

Salmon, Roasted Corn and Bacon Subs / Bev Cooks

We’re having summer subs! <–it’s a thing. This is bonkers good. Let me break it down for you. We’ll broil some corn, even though I say roasted up there. It’s straight up broiled. And straight up from the frozen bag. You know this trick of mine. I showed you guys yeaaaars and years ago and […]

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Friday Flotsam

french market patio / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriedeaydayeiiy! We’re going to play a little game today. (you’re already nervous. and i get it.) We’re each going to share something completely disgusting that we either used to love or still currently love. Mine firmly falls in the “used to” category, however, could possibly be swayed with an adequate rumble of stomach aggression. Vienna […]

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Rigatoni with Arugula, Italian Sausage and Lemon

Rigatoni with Arugula, Italian Sausage and Lemon / Bev Cooks

Let’s discuss this embarrassingly simple dinner. Also! We’re officially starting the summer, which means I’m scaling back a bit. (I hate when bloggers do this, yet here I go.) I’m only going to include the finished photos in the blog posts. The how-to is always in the videos, and I’ll always include that link here, […]

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Thai Chicken Noodle Bowls

Thai Chicken Noodle Bowls / Bev Cooks

But weeknight style! This is all kinds of simple, and we’ll need to discuss it for your menu this week before my head explodes. Because listen – we’ll make one sauce; divide it for the chicken, save the rest for swirling. You can dig it, right? Let us peepeth. Herbs + chicken thighs + peanut […]

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Friday Flotsam

sun through the curtains / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrih! dih! Have any of you ever tried Sun Bae? Wait, that’s not it. Sun Babe? Dune Babe? Dune Sun? Hold on. Sunbabe! You guys, I am fed these ads on IG probably quatrillionice times a day. And it’s working. I really want this dang bottle. Thing is, I’m not due for another hair appointment […]

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Roasted Tomato Garlic Toast

Roasted Tomato Garlic Toast / Bev Cooks

I’m not going to bore you to death over my love for tomatoes (the perfect food!), but just look at this. Summer is coming, and while I’m forever a die-hard lover of fresh tomatoes marinated in oil with garlic and basil and red onion (how can you not make your entire life about that), this […]

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