Aside from the 2 pounds of dehydrated zucchini chips that came from the blimp of a zucchini, Aaron was bit by the baking bug and had a loaf of warm zucchini bread fresh out of the oven by the time I returned from an errand. Martha, who is this man and what have you done […]
Author Archive | Bev Weidner
Roast Chicken – Check.
Yard tasks – check. House tasks – check. Eye roll directed at oversized zucchini – check. Dehydrator works double shift for both harvested peppers and zucchini – check. Never get out of yoga pants all weekend – check. Nap during football game – check. Look at ever growing leaf pile in front yard – check. […]
These little guys are one of the toppings for tomorrow night’s dinner. I can hardly stand i
These little guys are one of the toppings for tomorrow night’s dinner. I can hardly stand it. Any ideas on what might be on the Monday night menu?
Are You Kidding?
Our summer garden produced an obnoxious amount of produce today. While I was tactfully telling the garden that Halloween was next weekend, Aaron was tactfully telling me to chill and enjoy the free food. Men. When I say obnoxious I’m talking about a zucchini the size of a canoe, enough scotch bonnet peppers for 87 […]
A Toast To the French
There’s really nothing I can say here except it’s Saturday morning, the weather is divine, the Hogs play in a few hours and my hair is a mess. I’m so happy.
The Way To a Woman’s Heart…
It’s always so nice to come home after a long day to find my husband busily stirring around the kitchen, various spice jars open, the rice cooker buzzing away and a simmering pot on the stove releasing scents of comfort. Of home. Of me not having to lift a finger. Tears I tell you. […]
Scallops.’Nuff Said.
This is a post from a long time ago from my Facebook food album. Aaron’s cooking tonight, so I’ll have that story for you and more, tomorrow. Whoa, that was very news reporter-y of me. I’m not sure if it’s from the harvested scotch bonnet pepper that we threw into this dish last second, or […]
Green With Curry. I Mean Envy. I Mean Curry.
We’re in the depths of Fall and nothing could be more crisp or colorful. I love my drives around town, especially when the sun rays split through tree branches and radiance bounces around from leaf to leaf, blinding me. Ok, I don’t love the blinding, but I love the color! Each year when the comfort […]
The Sole of the Matter
When I was a little kid I attempted to eat the ever so popular Fruit Roll Up as a snack. I also made my sister Barbara eat dirt from a small garden hose as a snack, but that’s beside the point. I also threw locust shells on her once while she was bathing, but again, […]
We Had Monday. And We Had Steak.
We had Monday. We had clients. We had sushi for lunch. We had mid afternoon coffees. We had the realization that my boots need the heels capped. We had a husband land safely from a work trip. We had new jeans on. We had a rainstorm. We had a new candle at work that might […]