Hey heeeeeey, let’s have a little favorite things action today! (promise I’ll never say it like that again.)
You guys seemed to really get into the Cozy Winter edition. And the Summer edition was fire. So, here we are with an autumn edition! Which is my favorite edition of all the favorite things and their editions.
Let’s hop to it.

The Touch Lamp. It gives me an unruly amount of joy this time of year. And all through winter really. All year honestly. It’s such a mood. You charge, you touch, it changes tones and you’re happy forever. Get it.

Amber bottles! I go through phases during the year and in life when I’m like, “What else can I put in an amber bottle?” “Get in this amber bottle!” It’s a sickness from which I never want to be healed.
Lotions? Absolutely. Hand soap? Obviously. Switch out the top for a spray thingy and hello. Room spray? Yes. Rosemary hair mist? Duh. You can put anything in an amber bottle. Listen, you can put a bird on it, or put it in an amber bottle. Your pick.

Ice packs! Now, this might seem like a weird one, but I find that having a stylish ice pack for lunch boxes or mini park coolers just makes the world go ’round. These have pretty tones and freeze up quickly. Vibey ice packs. Who knew!
(I did.)

Cozy mustard socks! And cashmere, girl. Unbelievably soft for those chilly nights (and mornings), and they look stylish sticking out of whatever ankle boot you have going on. They even have a little bundle situation going on. Giddy up.

An apple picker! I meaaaan, it’s just so handy. Especially if you have an apple tree in your yard (that’s not been completely mauled by squirrels) or plan to go picking soon. Random, yes. Soul giving? Also yes.

A pie cookbook! You know my pie making journey is in full force right now, and I made Aaron get this book for me for my birthday. It’s a good one! The photos are pretty and the inspiration abundant. It’s quintessential for fall living, baby!

While you’re at it, grab these pie weights. I know beans work just as well, but I love the look of these in a pretty jar in my kitchen, begging me to bake a pie. (just don’t lose them UNDER the pie crust. IYKYK.)

Ahhhhh a classic black turtleneck. This is a staple look for me during the cooler months. It’s cozy, it looks chic, and it works with lit-rally anything. A good tip is to thrift them. There are ALWAYS black turtlenecks at thrift stores, but if you’re more of an I-don’t-have-the-time-add-to-cart-for-the-love, this one is good.

Tulip bulbs! Hey, it’s almost time to get these in the ground. You know it’s a fall thing, right? It’s a fall thing. Every mid-October we spend a good two hours getting at least 30 new tulip and daffodil bulbs in the ground. Get it in your calendar! And these tones are so lovely. Your yard is already so pretty in my head.

And daffodils, natch. We have this EXACT bulb collection in our front beds and they’re beyond beautiful. And the price is great! Get on that.

Yes, the soccer wagon that I refuse to shut up about. It’s been life saving at these last few soccer games. I store chairs in it, an umbrella in it, mister fans if it’s hot, water bottles, a blanket. It glides nicely and has a classic look. Simple but effective. One day I’ll stop talking about it.

The umbrella that I use! It’s water proof and I LOVE that tone. Durable and chic. Also I realize I do need a life.

Hues and Cues! This is a fun one for family game nights in the fall. You’re trying to get everyone to guess your color by your one clue. It’s fascinating! People see color so differently. And the clues get really funny, really fast. You’ll see what I mean when you play.

You had to know a black blazer was coming. It’s another staple look for me, almost year round. I do thrift a lot of my blazers, but if you’re in need of something with a great fit and a fabulous price, look at this one! I just adore this whole vibe. You’ll never look better.

Here’s another one from Target. Great price! And look at how happy she is. She’s so happy in her black blazer. Get you a black blazer!

A boooook. A good book. What is fall without reading tons of cozy books? And this one (that I read a long time ago) is fabulous. It has fall vibes here and there, and a bit of family drama when the mom goes missing. It’s too good. I probably talked about this a long time ago, but it’s a stand-out story.

Gotta have a pine candle while you’re reading! Or anytime. You know my love for pine candles. This is another absolute favorite.

Lastly, look at these fun blue and white taper candles! I just love them. I don’t have them (yet), but imagine them on your Thanksgiving table, or any fall dinner tablescape. Mix with brasses and creams and man oh man. So good.
That’s it! What did I miss? I’m sure something completely obvious, but let me know if these favorites this time of year are helpful. And tell me – what would be on your favorite things list?
Giddy up!
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