Archive | Monthly Mixtape

Monthly Mixtape: Apple Trees and Autumn Tease

Monthly Mixtape: Apple Trees and Autumn Tease / Bev Cooks

Septeeeembaaaaaah! What I thought was going to be a hellacious month from the infected blisters of Satan’s armpit is actually looking to be more pleasant. Woo hoo! The weather keeps shifting. Dipping. Chances of rain are now popping up. My mood is improving by the hour, you guys. So let’s have a mixtape that accompanies […]

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Monthly Mixtape: Sweep It Off and Get It Planted

Monthly Mixtape: Sweep it Off and Get it Planted

April! Time to open windows! Time to garden! Time for picnics! I can chill. Things are starting to blossom. The temperatures are spectacular. Patches of lime green are spreading through the yards. Daffodils are the boss right now, and tulips aren’t too far behind. It’s a magical transition. So let’s have a slight get-ya-going mixtape, […]

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Monthly Mixtape: Sweaty Swiftie Armpitty

Monthly Mixtape: Sweaty Swiftie Armpitty

Look, it’s probably Armpity, but that looks odd too so we’re just going with it. Also, this photo would for sure fall into the category of “keepin’ it real.” This is 100% my treadmill running view. Hahahahaha! I normally have a box fan hanging in front of me but it fused out the other day […]

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Friday Flotsam

pretty fabric / bev cooks

FLAAAEEEERRRRRRRTTTTsam. Tell me what makes you HAPPY. And no, we’re going to get all therapyish here. Do you know me at all? I’m just genuinely curious – what makes you the happiest? And I’m not really talking about the broad scope of life – family, friends and health. Not that. Let’s go tiny. Let’s get […]

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