Tag Archives | sundried tomato

Sundried Tomato and Rosemary Focaccia

Sundried Tomato and Rosemary Focaccia / Bev Cooks

OooooooWEE! Yes we’re baking bread in the middle of summer, and it’s wonderful. I say “middle of summer” – when technically summer starts this week. What’s the solstice? 20th? 21st? Hold on, let me look. 20th! So we’re having summer solstice focaccia. My grand plan all along. We’ve made a lot of bread on this […]

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Roasted Fennel and Sundried Tomato Pizza

Roasted Fennel and Sundried Tomato Pizza / Bev Cooks

YES IT’S MORE PIZZA. You’re not . . . mad, are you? So guess what. I hate black licorice. (liquorice. lickurish? just kidding.) HATE IT. Heeeeeeeet.eeeeeeet. I’m pretty positive this is the food that Satan munches on for his afternoon snack. Well, that and murders’ souls. ANYWAY. Can’t stand black licorice. Bleck! Bleck! Bleck! H […]

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