Tag Archives | pappardelle pasta

Pappardelle with Veggies and Herbs

Pappardelle with Veggies and Herbs / Bev Cooks

Vegetarian! And one pan, baybuh. Okay I say vegetarian. It is if you sub in veggie stock for chicken stock. So no coming at me today, okay? This is really a tweak-your-own kind of situation. We have pasta, we have vegetables, we have aromatics, we have stock and cheese and garnishes. If I say “we […]

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Slow Cooker Beef Stroganoff

Slow Cooker Beef Stroganoff / Bev Cooks

More like, stroganOMG. I rarely beg on this website. (don’t disagree with me. I will win.) But I’m here, in holey yoga pants on bended knee, sobbing so viciously, salmon could swim upstream in my tears, b e g g i n g you to add this to your menu. Oh! You probably have a […]

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