Tag Archives | calzones

Cheeseburger Calzones

Cheeseburger Calzones / Bev Cooks

A cheeseburger brilliantly slid into pizza dough and baked until golden brown? I’m listening. Okay, I didn’t reinvent the wheel. But it’s fun! And it changes up the routine if you’re in a rut. A grub rut. Haha. Never mind. You might prefer cheeseburgers over calzones. Or calzones over cheeseburgers. And that’s fine, you’re still […]

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First Tablespoon Article!


It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for! Well, *I* have, at least. Remember how I told you about becoming a part of the Tablespoon.com team? Well, I’m still squealing every 5 minutes and running around like a butternut squash with its head cut off. (see what I did there?) Without further ado, I present […]

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Homemade Calzones with Chicken and Asparagus


So, yesterday afternoon while Aaron and I marked off some embarrassingly overdue chores on our to-do list, I kept pondering dinner. Out loud. “Hey babe, what should we have for dinner? What do you want to eat? What sounds good tonight? What are you craving? When should we start cooking? Now perhaps? No? Stop talking? […]

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