20 Things About The Cook

20 Things Pic

Hey guess what! My bestest friend on the planet, Laura is featuring me on her beautiful blog, Prana and Pie today! Have you met Laura yet? If not, add it to your to-do list. And bump it up to the top. Seriously. She’s stunning on the outside, tender and eloquent on the inside. She’s hard […]

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Pork and Shrimp Potstickers


Friday evening my husband skipped through the front door with a grin on his face the size of Delaware and an obscenely large new toy in his grip. He had just purchased . . . a mountain bike. Lord help me. You see, he just started training for an Xterra triathlon next summer, and has […]

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A Few Things


1) Look what came in the mail today! The first thing I did with them was to pretend that I was graduating college, and I threw the entire box up in the air, as if they were graduation caps, and I watched them flutter down and scatter all over the living room. Then I made […]

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Roasted Butternut Squash and Kale Pizza


A couple of evenings ago my phone danced around on the kitchen table, alerting me of a new text. “I’ve some got butternut squash from my parent’s garden for ya. Can I drop by real quick?” Sa-weeeeet. We hadn’t grown any butternut squash in our garden this year (or ever), so when Carly brought the […]

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Spaghetti and Meatballs


From the ages of 9 to 19, I lived in New Mexico. I lived in a small desert town in the Southeastern corner called Hobbs. We used to say, “It’s not what’s in Hobbs, it’s WHO’s in Hobbs.” Boy was that the freaking truth. Because WHAT was in Hobbs was tumbleweeds, oil and HEAT. And […]

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Chicken Sear with Bell Pepper Ragout


A few Christmases ago my sister-in-law, Carolyn gave me a subscription to Fine Cooking magazine. I remember getting so excited that I choked on my eggnog and had to hold on to Aaron for support. Since then, I’ve been completely and unadulteratedly obsessed with the magazine. Carolyn shares the obsession. Every time I visit her […]

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Orzo with Corn, Zucchini and Spicy Sausages


Did you know it’s a full moon today? Have you fallen down 13 times, worn your bra on the outside of your shirt and kissed your boss? That’s why. You shan’t be blamed. Actually, if we play our cards right, this whole full moon thing could really be on our side. We could play Follow […]

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I’m Guest Posting, You Guys!


So check it out, the sweetest of the sweet Aggie, from www.aggieskitchen.com came to me recently about guest posting on her blog. Um, let me think about it YESSSSSSS. Remember this sneak peek from last week? Well, all of your dreams are about to come true because the GREAT REVEAL is on her blog today! […]

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