Friday Flotsam

morning kitchen / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriduuuuuh! Can you gleek? Do you remember gleeking in the ’80s? I mean, it’s still here in 2023. It’s not like gleeking has disappeared. But at this age it’s no longer a SPORT. For me it’s purely accidental, and normally lands on pages of my book mid yawn. Natalie can gleek ON PURPOSE. What sort […]

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Pappardelle with Veggies and Herbs

Pappardelle with Veggies and Herbs / Bev Cooks

Vegetarian! And one pan, baybuh. Okay I say vegetarian. It is if you sub in veggie stock for chicken stock. So no coming at me today, okay? This is really a tweak-your-own kind of situation. We have pasta, we have vegetables, we have aromatics, we have stock and cheese and garnishes. If I say “we […]

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Friday Flotsam

flowers / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruhduhluhmuhyuh! (I’m fine, why do you ask?) I think we might be getting a Ferris Wheel. Not at my house, ya boob. But our CITY. I think Kansas City might be getting a Ferris Wheel. And maybe I don’t even need to capitalize Ferris Wheel, but I’m going to anyway. A Ferris Wheel! Isn’t that […]

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Homemade Hummus

Homemade Hummus / Bev Cooks

It’s ABOUT time. I know. Hummus! Creamy, dreamy, smooth-like-buttah hummus. And guess what, I brought back a couple of tips from Israel! Including tahini from the original press in Jerusalem. Hello, cannot get any better than that. You can find good imported tahini everywhere, so just get the good stuff and you’re in fine shape […]

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Lemon Poppy Seed Scones

Lemon Poppy Seed Scones / Bev Cooks

We’re making more scones today! (<–exclamation point absolutely necessary) But let’s go with loads of lemon and poppy seeds this time. We’ve made cheddar scones. We’ve made gruyere and sausage scones. We’ve even made a caprese version. All completely different personalities and irrational obsession worthy. I knew you were my people. Let us peepeth. Your […]

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Friday Flotsam

plants / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrriddddeeeeee. Tea. TEA. Tea! I had no idea it meant anything besides a cozy hot drink. Do you want to know that I was this year’s old when I found out tea means gossip? And no, believe it or not, the lyrics in Anti-Hero didn’t tip me off. I just thought Taylor literally meant tea […]

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White Bean Salad on Toast

White Bean Salad on Toast / Bev Cooks

You know when people ask you what you could eat every day forever and ever? For me, it’s this. It is this white bean salad on toast. Right here. This. On one hand, it’s embarrassingly simple. And is precisely why it should be happening this shy of all the time. On another, there’s no real […]

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