Archive | Parenthood

The Babies Took Us On a Roadtrip

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So, after three and a half months of being locked up and tied to rusty metal hooks in the walls of a cold, dingy basement in the bottom of an old dragony dungeon castle (or, winter at my house), the babies finally talked us into dragging them down to Arkansas to show ’em off a […]

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You’re Not Tired of Babies, Right?


Because by the end of this post, your ovaries will have borrowed the car, taken it for a joy ride, hit some mailboxes with baseball bats, stolen a cat, smoked cigarettes, gotten a tattoo, seen the very face of God, repented its sins, gone home to safety, taken a shower with The Crying Game playing […]

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Hit Me Babies One More Time

Processed with VSCOcam with t1 preset

So, I’m seven weeks and one day into this whole being a mom thing, and I kind of can’t believe someone hasn’t yet locked me up and swallowed the key. I have to say, we’ve definitely found our rhythm. I have my weekday rhythm. We have our weekend rhythm. And Charlie is clearly content with […]

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So I Had Some Babies


It was January 6th, the coldest day ever. Ever in the history of the world and ever loving everness. I was 37 weeks and one day pregnant with a boy and a girl (ninja?) inside my cranktankerous belly. I was swollen. I was crampy. I was contractiony. I was anti-bacterial-y. I had makeup on! But […]

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