FRAHDAHHHHHHHHHH! Raise your hand if your whole city slash life is completely drenched in rain? THIS IS CRAZY. I feel like the entire U.S. is a giant squish fest. It’s rained for days. DAYS. And there’s no end in sight. Sort of. We actually DO get a break Saturday and Sunday, which is perfect because […]
Archive | Friday Flotsam
Friday Flotsam
Fridaaaayyyyyeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiyyyyyyyyeeeeyyyyyyyy. (!) Who else is completely terrified of the back of a hairdryer? You’re already like, PSYCHO. You know, that little round eggy area with the mini mesh prison bars? What goes ON in there? Are there tiny hairdryer elves living and breeding inside that wee vortex of death? I’ve always been nervous when I […]
Friday Flotsam
FRI-YDYDYDYDYAAAAAAY. (that was me saying Fri-yay without actually saying Fri-yay.) I’ve been keeping something in for quite a while now. It’s a fact that I’ve come to accept about myself and embrace, without shame. Just yesterday, however, I was finally able to say the words out loud and not brace for disapproval or disgust. And […]
Friday Flotsam
Frahdeeleeleeelaaalaaaaaalooooooo. ARE YOU GUYS WATCHING THE PATH? That sentence totally didn’t need to be in all caps. Let me try again. Are you guys watching The Path? It’s the same people as FNL and Parenthood, which on PAPER is a done deal. Why on earth would you not watch it? (btw, NO spoilers ahead. promise.) […]
Friday Flotsam
friDAAAAAAAAAAAYAAAAAAAAAAA. Do your teeth ever hurt? Not like, “ow that hurts,” which is I realize is the way most people would describe pain. Maybe it’s more like, do your teeth ever feel chalky and weak with a twist of dry sticky? Let me try this again – you know when you scratch your nails down […]
Friday Flotsam
FREELEELEELEEFREE! (<–that means Friday in Bev speak) Okay. I’ll get into purple. ONLY FOR PRINCE though. Can you believe this? I know everyone is mourning the news by listening to their favorite albums, favorite songs, watching their favorite videos, texting gifs like whoa. And I’m like, “REMEMBER WHEN HE WAS ON NEW GIRL TWO YEARS […]
Friday Flotsam
FridaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Welllllll, you guys. It’s finally happened. Aaron and I have been bracing for this dreaded, impending era for the last six or so months. We could see the signs that it was headed our way. We just didn’t know exactly when it would strike. But as of yesterday at 3:42pm, it is officially upon […]
Friday Flotsam
FRI YAY. !!! Just kidding – day. !!!! I just backspaced and took one of those exclamation points off, because THAT would make a difference in the obnoxiousness. OKAY. Muthus who birthed alien gremlins: (dudes be like, “sweet now […]
Friday Flotsam
f r i d a y a d i r f r i d a y a d i r f r i d a y a d i r f r i d a y a d i f r i d a y a d i r f r i d a y. […]
Friday Flotsam
F F F F F F R R R R R iday. Okay, I have to tell you about my dream last night. Wait, don’t go! I was on my flight to Europe, but it wasn’t my flight to Europe, you know? It was this upcoming trip combined with a girl trip to Cabo that […]