Archive | Drinks

Fire Cider

Fire Cider / Bev Cooks

Fiyaaaaaaaa-haaaaa-haaaaaa! Cider. If you’re not on the fire cider train, then you best get a ticket and come aboard! (omg I’m so sorry about all of this.) Does it work? Who really knows. Could it help? Well I think so! Look at everything in it. Nothing but aromatics, herbs, cinnamon, vinegar and honey. How could […]

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Chocolate, Cheese and Wine – Oh My!

Chocolate, Cheese and Wine - Oh My! / Bev Cooks

You had to see it coming. I don’t think there’s anything greater in this life than a) those three words back to back, and b) eating those three words side by side. And let me just say, I’m no cheeseboard pro! Because I feel like it’s all in the mix and match, try this and […]

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Mulled Rosé Wine

Mulled Rosé Wine / Bev Cooks

UM, YOUR NEW WINTER LIFE. Mulled rosé. MULLED ROSÉ. I know. You guys. It is a thing and it is happening right at this moment and things are officially looking up for all of us. MULLED ROSÉ. Just let that sink in for a second. And the thing is, this is so easy! Most of […]

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My Mug Shots (Coffee Mugs! Simmer Down.)

My Mugs Shots. (Coffee Mugs! Simmer Down.)

Did you honestly think they’d let someone like me even cross the prison threshold? Please. Let’s talk about coffee mugs! Also known as, the cockcrow caffeine-carrying cauldron of cheer. But I’m not dramatic about it or anything. It all started, I want to saaay, two Mother’s Days ago. Aaron came home from work early on […]

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How to Host a Rosé Wine Tasting Party.

How to Host a Rosé Wine Tasting Party / Bev Cooks

You know I like rosé, right? I like rosé. The wine. I like it a lot. The rosé wines. So I hosted a blind tasting party! And by blind I mean, we were blindfolded. I didn’t jab my guest’s eyeballs out upon arrival. Contrary to popular belief, I’m not that kind of person. It was […]

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Lemon Jalapeno Spritzers


Leeeeees! (said like the old guru dude in Eat, Pray, Love)   Happy virtual baby shower baby virtual shower baby virtual day! We all made you things that have lemons in them. Because your site is called The Lemon Bowl. And because you like lemons. And having babies. But not at the same time. Or […]

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Lemon Balm and Crystallized Ginger Granitas


Summah solllstiiiice, y’aaaaall. Aw, lawwwwd. Time to board those thirsty mouths on the Refreshment Trolley and take a ride! You don’t have to tell anyone I just said that. The other day on the NPRs there was a local story about ice cream vs. frozen yogurt vs. gelato vs. granitas. Which one has the most […]

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