Archive | Asian

Chicken and Green Bean Stir-Fry


You need to know something about my husband. You don’t know how hard this is for me to tell you. I’m fully aware that this could be a deal-breaker. But just listen to me. And after you hear this, if you need to shut down your computer, go for a run, take a hot shower […]

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Coconut Chicken with Sauted Bok Choy


My parents are coming to visit us at the end of this week, and I know what you’re thinking. HIDE THE DRUG PARAPHERNALIA! To that I say, “don’t be silly!” I hid it last week. What this does mean for me is that the “Great Weidner Household Deep Clean” began today. And I’m not talking […]

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Chicken and Vegetable Fried Rice


Aaron wanted to cook tonight. Let me repeat that, AARON WANTED TO COOK. I gasped, teared up, and started doing the electric slide in my living room when he delivered the news. He’s a TERRIFIC cook. He really is. He just never gets the chance to perform in the kitchen since, A) he’s either too […]

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Healing Soba Noodle Soup


We’ve suffered through day two of the raging flu at my house. While subtle moans of what sound to be human agony resonate from the sofa, I’m constantly trying to keep the house decontaminated by hosing down the walls with sanitizer and attaching a tube from my husband’s mouth that leads out the back door. […]

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Sesame Noodles


Two snow days in a row have taught me something vitally important. The Cosby show is still genius. Sesame Noodles: What it took for 2: * 1/2 pound whole wheat spaghetti * 3 Tbs. all natural peanut butter * 3 Tbs. soy sauce * 2 Tbs. brown sugar * 1 tsp sambal oelek * 6 […]

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Spicy Chicken Salad


I’m pretty brain-dead right now. But I do have a few thoughts to throw out into the interwebs. 1) I got my teeth cleaned today and I feel like Giada De Laurentiis. 2) We may have ice on the way. AKA – I am never leaving my bedroom. 3) I have a cardboard cut. Did […]

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A Wok Down Memory Lane


I remember growing up during my teenage years in Hobbs, New Mexico, on a very flat street in the middle of the desert. My dad spent many a night tossing different meats and veggies around the stir-fry wok. He loved and I mean loved to stir-fry for the family. Mom got a break and it […]

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Singin’ For My Supper


Tonight I blew the dust off of my old Shania Twain dvd video collection. It was a gift. I was young. No judging. The reason I got it out is that I have to re-learn “I Feel Like a Woman” for my dear friend Ashlee’s karaoke birthday party this Friday night. And I’m talking dance […]

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Fumbling Towards Ecstasy


As I was driving home from work tonight I made a disconcerting discovery about myself. I am so behind the times. I was listening to my favorite compact disc in my red, portable compact disc player attached to my car tape deck via adapter, when a short in the wires caused the song to bounce […]

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