Author Archive | Bev Weidner

Homemade Ricotta

Homemade Ricotta / Bev Cooks

OMG. First, this is a journey for me. Much like Mary Oliver, pie crusts and my ever-growing brass mirror collection. A journey. (don’t look at me like that, Mindy.) Which means, I’ve not mastered it. But I had to document where I landed this week because still, STILL, it was unbelievably flooring. My ricotta (which […]

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Friday Flotsam

moody flowers / bev cooks

Friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit’s my birthdaaaaay! 48. Is that not bananas? FORTY EIGHT. What on actual earth. It feels good, ya know? It’s right up the nostril cavern of 50, but I’m feeling it! Of course I still need to figure out how to add more softness to my aging hair, and take the time to trim and […]

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Ham, Mint and Brie Sandwiches

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

Sandwich night! (also known as Save Me night.) It’s nothing novel, but I love this sandwich. Fancy enough to pass for an oh-la-la dinner, but simple enough to whip up on a Wednesday before soccer practice. Because look at that melted brie. Sister, please. The ham is savory and smoked, the mint earthy and bright, […]

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Friday Flotsam

lake view / bev cooks

FRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR i d a a a e e e e e e e e a a a a ha ahh h h ahaha hah . We have to talk about tinted chapsticks. This is what I need in a severe way. I have a lot of Burts Bees, and you know I love these shimmer […]

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Tomato Butter

Tomato Butter / Bev Cooks

Yes I’m still all about tomatoes, which is truly the only way to be right now. But hello, tomato butter. TOMATO BUTTER. (!) Have you ever made tomato butter? I’m going to say tomato butter so many times in this post we’ll have no idea what the words even mean anymore. Tomatobuttertomatobuttertomatobutter. It’s an August […]

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Friday Flotsam

Processed with VSCO with a4 preset

FRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRududu. This is going be a short one! Usually through the week as absurdities pop into my head I jot them down on paper to share with you all. And this week, every time a little rando thought crawled into my cerebrum I said to myself, “I’ll remember that.” Spoiler alert. I didn’t. I’ll tell […]

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Summer Tomato Pie

Summer Tomato Pie

This recipe is what I LIVE FOR. Not to be hyperbolic about it. But also 100% to be hyperbolic about it. If you have yet to make or eat a summer tomato pie, well frankly I’ve led you astray. This is the proper and only way to summer. That is, if you love tomatoes and […]

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Friday Flotsam

patio scene / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r r r r rsam! What. I can taste my eyedrops. TASTE THEM. I can taste my eyedrops. Let me back up. Remember last week when I thought I scratched my eyeball and had to rush to the eye doctor immediately after publishing this post? And come to find out it wasn’t an actual […]

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