Author Archive | Bev Weidner

Spiedini + Bev = True Love


A week ago yesterday Aaron and I attended a wonderful dinner party with a group of dang good people. We each contributed our part of the dinner, but the main course was supplied by the fabulous hosts. They prepared a most succulent chicken spiedini with 2 pasta sides. You guys, I have not been able […]

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I Can’t Get Away From Curry


Do you hear that? It’s the sweet, sweet sound of weekend bouncing around in your head. After a blizzard-filled week and with more on the way, I hereby declare this a, “lock your doors for 72 straight hours and burn continuous fires and drink good red wine and eat good food and watch forensics shows […]

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Pizza Helps Snow Melt, Right?


Isn’t the old saying, “Every time a pizza is eaten, a snowman takes a beatin’?” Oh Wow, that’s pretty dark. As in Guy Noir dark. As in Kill Bill dark. As in cover your kids’ ears and hide them from me forever dark. …Who am I? I’ll tell you what I am – I am […]

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A Snow Story


I was totally going to cook and blog last night. I really was. But then this happened: Which in turn caused this: So Aaron and I were like, WHATEVER. On our way home we dropped into one of these: And we had one of these: Actually it was more like this: And some of these: […]

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Vindaloo. VindaWHO?


So yesterday Aaron was one of the lucky employees in the US to have Martin Luther King Day off. As I left the house, tears filled my eyes watching as he restfully crept out of bed with an entire empty day ahead of him. “Life isn’t fair,” I sobbed. He told me to get over […]

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A New Kind of Sauce


Can I see a show of hands of you who love eating pasta? Good, good. Now, can I see a show of hands of those watching their waistline? Yep, new year, makes sense. Lastly, can I see a show of hands of you who would like a healthier take on pasta with a rich sauce […]

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Meatloaf. No, Not the Band.


  I have a small confession to make. Yesterday I had my first stab at making meatloaf. I’m not sure what took me so long. If it’s the fact that I grudgingly ate it as a child, our year-long hiatus from beef and pork, or the words “meat” and “loaf” back to back. Let’s safely […]

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Almost Weekend Soup


I keep thinking it’s Friday. What a cruel trick my mind is playing on me. The good news is, I have 3 more power foods to share with you tonight! This should help us coast into the weekend safely. Oh who am I kidding, WHY IS IT NOT FRIDAY? …that felt good. Tonight’s suppa features: […]

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