
Dry shampoo.
I’ve hit the time in my life when I’m ready to talk about dry shampoo. And use dry shampoo.
I don’t know what’s going on with my hair, but my bangs are starting to get a lil’ greasy only one DAY after washing. ONE.DAY. This is not normal for me. I have the driest hair on earth, so to see it transform into a tiny pot of travel Vaseline flipping me off ain’t cool. Is it Peri? If so, she’s a turd.
It’s time for dry shampoo.
And get this, I’ve never used dry shampoo! Not once in my life. (read: driest hair on earth) So this is where you come in and save Bev’s day (and hair.) Tell me what you use. What’s affordable and easy and doesn’t look like a baby powder party on your head. It’s not powder though, right? It’s a spray?
Do tell. Dry shampoo me rn. (<–I’ve never typed that but I see it all the time. Mom, it’s short for “right now.”)
Tell me what to use!

I’m halfway through Within Arm’s Reach and I’m loving it. It’s one of those books where the plot isn’t that, that gripping (at least yet), but the way she describes family dynamics and tension, oh man. But I’ll talk more about that later. Wanted to share what I have on my TBR list (but not shelf! not yet!) and you tell me what to add.
The Women
The Teacher
The Wedding People
Blue Sisters
All the Colors of the Dark
Three Lives of Cate Kay
I haven’t bought or thrifted any of these yet because I want to at least make a dent in what I currently have. But really, isn’t adding to the shelf and watching it swell half the fun?! I knew we understood each other.

Oh! Cheese paper: this is what I’ve been using and I’m just beyond delighted. I will say, I didn’t notice the bunnies on the beeswax paper (it’s beeswax paper!) until I unrolled it and laughed so hard. But you know what, I don’t mind it. I don’t mind the bunnies. (We’re starting a band called Don’t Mind the Bunnies.) They blend in with the dainty floral and the soft color so well, ya just don’t really see them. But they do make me giggle.
I’ve been gently wrapping my cheese in parchment paper first, and then the beeswax paper seals beautifully around it. Breathable but secure. And it’s so pretty to look at in the fridge! Like little gifts each time you pull out the dairy drawer. This is the way we’re finding joy these days.
Tell me (or link me!) to a fabulously stylish beeswax paper if you use any. Aaron had this idea for us to make our own beeswax paper and do a blog post on that. Hahahahhhaa! I don’t know why it made me laugh so hard. Make our own beeswax paper.
Wait, should we?

Weekend plans?
It’s a shuffle over here. A couple of soccer games, a birthday party, a playdate, two variety show practices and the Chiefs against the Bills omg. Already sweating. I do plan on jushing Aaron’s bathroom at some point. I deep cleaned (and I mean deeeeeep cleaned it earlier this week), and have ordered a new under-the-sink liner and a little organizing system, along with a little lamp to add cozy. I’m going to thrift some art and change out the (very cute) lace curtain because he hates them. Of course. Don’t you worry, that lace will find a place somewhere! Ya don’t ignore good lace. I maaaay even add some wallpaper to one wall to give it oomph. Maybe. Should I?
I didn’t have any new content this week (next week I will!) but I did share this French-inspired Tuna Skillet Casserole that’s to die for. That and this Creamy Penne with Spinach and Sundried Tomatoes. Both super super winter. You’ll cry winter tears of delight.
Okay, dry shampoo! What cha got?
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