Author Archive | Bev Weidner

Making Fresh Pasta. Oh Yes You Can.


As I sit here Sunday afternoon, still sipping my reheated morning coffee and keeping an eye on yet another Winter blast on the way, I have four thoughts: 1) Our local weatherman lied. 2) I really need a manicure. 3) Why is it not April? 3) Make fresh pasta in small batches. It’s a lot […]

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Coconut Chicken Fingers


When was the last time you had chicken fingers for dinner? Only non-parents are allowed to answer. 700 years? Me too! While partaking in a favorite pastime, flipping through food magazines, there was something about a coconut chicken fingers recipe that poked, pointed and motioned “come here, you.” Try these fingers and I guarantee you […]

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A Little Story, of Failure


Per the request of an old friend from high school, (hi Karen!) I will share with you one of my most epic kitchen fails. Please don’t delete my blog from your RSS after this post. Are you impressed that I know what RSS is? It was probably two or three Thanksgivings ago when our besties […]

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Asparagus Salad. I Promise This Is Good.


So you know how in the world of professional makeup sometimes artists use an anti-redness primer under the makeup? It’s supposed to alleviate red splotches on the skin and even out tone? Well guess what. I bought some, and I LOOK INSANE. Put a couple of bolts in my neck and call me Frankie. After […]

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You Say Tostada, I Say Tostada


I bring you good news people of the land. As I gaze into the forecastatable future (weather), I see not a single flake of snow. I also see a slight rise in temperatureable air (temperature). What does this mean you ask? For the time being there will be no more white-knuckling drives to and from […]

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Spiedini + Bev = True Love


A week ago yesterday Aaron and I attended a wonderful dinner party with a group of dang good people. We each contributed our part of the dinner, but the main course was supplied by the fabulous hosts. They prepared a most succulent chicken spiedini with 2 pasta sides. You guys, I have not been able […]

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I Can’t Get Away From Curry


Do you hear that? It’s the sweet, sweet sound of weekend bouncing around in your head. After a blizzard-filled week and with more on the way, I hereby declare this a, “lock your doors for 72 straight hours and burn continuous fires and drink good red wine and eat good food and watch forensics shows […]

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