Search results for "bev's imaginary"

Bev's Imaginary Book Club / Bev Cooks

Bev’s Imaginary Book Club: A Grown-Up Kind of Pretty, The One, and The Nightingale

BEWKS, Y’ALL. (<–I’ve already made you insane.) Welcome to another official book club blog post! It’s been a minute. Things look a little, um, different since my last book post. Well, I figured that instead of food, this might be a nice distraction amidst such a jittery time. Unless you’re reading The Nightingale then it’s […]

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Friday thoughts / bev cooks

Friday Flotsam

Frrrrrrrrr!r.r!.r.r!r. iday. We need to about talk ear pod bud phone thingies. I have thee nerdiest setup and I need your help. It’s because I have freakshow ear holes and nothing seems to fit! The earphones I currently wear have a cord. And they wrap around my ears. Bahahahahahah! Can you imagine? There I am, […]

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plants / bev cooks

Friday Flotsam

Frrrrrrrrrrrrriddddeeeeee. Tea. TEA. Tea! I had no idea it meant anything besides a cozy hot drink. Do you want to know that I was this year’s old when I found out tea means gossip? And no, believe it or not, the lyrics in Anti-Hero didn’t tip me off. I just thought Taylor literally meant tea […]

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fall tree / bev cooks

Friday Flotsam

Fffffffffffffffflertserm. Uhhhhh what do you do with the teeth? You know what, let me back up. What do you do with all the children’s teeth in the night? Yeah, still sounding psycho. AS THE TOOTH FAIRY, what are we supposed to do all these nasty chiclet face bones that we’ve collected through the years? Give […]

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Bev's Imaginary Book Club

2020 In Books!

We done got readered! (just kidding, mom, I know how to form sentences.) (I think.) FIFTY.FIVE.NOVELS. That’s what we (well, Ashlee and I) read this year. 55! I’m not sure if it was (is?) the combination of being home ALL THE TIME, or needing to escape reality, or the cerebral slack-slash-forgiveness in other life departments, […]

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valentine cards

Friday Flotsam

FRRRRRRRRRRewey dew! I dunno. Do you make the bed? What I mean is, when do you make the bed? What I MEAN is, how do you make the bed? What I MEAN MEAN is, are you into making your bed? This blog post already completely sucks. What I MEAN EEEES, is making the bed something […]

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