Friday Flotsam


Lavender Haze. (I warned you this would be the first thing we talked about. Don’t x out.)

Also today’s Flotsam is p u r e unadulterated pop culture, nostalgia and makeup, so don’t expect the earth’s gravitational pull this morning. Or perhaps expect it more.

Did you watch? Watch the video. Go watch it. I’ve only watched it once, lit-rally a few minutes before typing these words whilst swirling the first half of my cup of coffee and working the NYT Crossword Mini.

First impression for me: it’s such a vibe! (which, I know, so cliché to say, but you can’t deny it.) What I love is how she pulls other songs into the video. The Mastermind on vinyl, the incense burning (like in Maroon), the charting of the constellations on his back (like in High Infidelity – which in that song it’s his EYES, but again, can’t deny the tie), and her Anti-Hero hairstyle. Which okay, is a stretch, but it’s my favorite hair look of hers, all loose bangs and wispy and carefree, and you have to admit it pulls that similar ’70s mood into the video.

Also, is that Jack Antonoff as the weather man? I feel like it is. Go watch and tell me if it is.

In short, I love it. Going to watch 678 more times and pick up on all the little things before the second cup of coffee sets in.

I would also like to gently request that she put out a video for Maroon and Midnight Rain, please. Would someone let her team know? Thank you.

Okay, this one is going to possibly require a little brain work from you. Or maybe it’s just such an obvious answer that your hands will fling to the keyboard out of control from the rest of your body in a fit of chaos. Let’s hope so.

We’ve talked about our FIRST concert ever. (your answers were all I ever needed) But today, let’s talk about your FAVORITE concert ever.

Ever ever. Are you a huge stadium kind of concert goer? Or do you prefer the intimacy of smaller venues? Or are you in between and need the energy of a crowd but also refuse to stand in a questionable-odor-soaked-28-minute-bathroom line? I can (sort of) handle any of it, but I prefer tiny. Tiny to medium. The irony is not lost on me that my soon-to-be-favorite concert (we’ll discuss concert vs. show in a minute) is going to be an ENORMOUS endeavor at a football stadium starring le darling from above.

That said, I’ve seen a lot of shows. And a lot of concerts. A LOT. But truly, the show that took the rockstar cake for me was the War on Drugs last summer. I’ll never ever come down from that high. Never. Something about the swirl of warm summer night air and the nostalgic swell of ’90s guitar tones meets his breathy voice. (and maybe the super-sized plastic cup of beer I was drinking) It was just bliss. Absolute bliss.

Other honorable mentions include: Les Savy Fav at Clunk Music Hall in the late ’90s, the CRANBERRIES in Las Cruces in the mid ’90s (totaled my parents’ blue Buick on that trip. story for another day), Rage Against the Machine (twice!) in the mid ’90s. R.E.M. in Austin in the mid ’90s. Spoon in Lawrence in the early ’00s. I’m sure there are more that I’m completely spacing on.


STEREOLAB in Lawrence in the late ’90s. That’s up there. UP there.

I should actually divide these into types of shows. Big, small, before-they-were-famous. I have so many.

And for another day – what band you WISH you’d seen. Or today!

What band do you regret not ever seeing? Mine is Smashing Pumpkins. I never saw them! It’s the most tragic news, I know.

Tell me yours.

Okay, POLL: Do you agree with the casting of It Ends With Us?

I need your fiery opinions. Stat.

My only question is – who the heck would play Atlas? Did I miss this detail?

While I have you: let’s discuss eyebrow pencils.

Do you use them? I’m more and more interesting in them the older I get. Something wispy, a medium brown and barely there. It cannot look like Eric Carle’s main character is hibernating on and/or eating my upper face. I just need a little more structure up there. A tad to fill in. A tad to shape up.

Guide me, oh eyebrow experts.

Weekend plans?

My parents are visiting! My dad had Covid at Christmas, so we bumped the visit a few weeks, and here we are. Today is pretty chill. Chat & Chew at school, a Girl Scouts Variety Show rehearsal tonight, dinner following. Tomorrow we have Nat’s basketball game and absolutely nothing else! Pizza for lunch. Games and a fire at night. It’s going to be so lovely. Maaaaaybe I’ll try and drag my parents to an estate sale tomorrow morning. We’ll see if they can ROLL like that. (just kidding, mom. we can stay home. maybe.)

From this week! Lots of comfort food. We have a Creamy Beef Ravioli Soup with Kale. It has sooo much flavor, I hope you love it so much. And then Spinach and Pork Meatball Subs! Reports show this is already a mega hit, so ya best get buried in those.

One more thing! Nat’s selling girl scout cookies this year. She did post a video to my Stories the other night, and sold a huge slew of boxes! I was shocked. So if you love cookies, here’s a link to support her troop. Just click “DIRECT SHIP” and they’ll be mailed straight to you. Zero pressure of course. I’m breezy! She’s breezy!

Did you watch Lavender Haze yet? Uh huuuuuh.

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21 Responses to Friday Flotsam

  1. Nancy January 27, 2023 at 10:31 am #
    You're talking my language when you talk concerts. I'd have to say my favorite was seeing Prince on his Purple Rain tour back in '84 or '85. Yeah, I'm old but like the t-shirt says, I got to see all the good bands! He was in town for 2 or 3 nights and I went the first night with my boyfriend who didn't want to be there and it ruined it for me. But my roommate was friends with someone who worked in a record store and she got me a ticket for the next night and I went by myself and snuck my camera with a long lens in and had the best time and took a couple of great pics! After that, I could care less if anybody goes to a concert with me. What can I say? That was obviously in a huge venue but it was before everything was so strict and I just roamed the coliseum and took pics and danced! Now I prefer a smaller more intimate venue and that brings me to my favorite shows within the last few of years: Bernhoft at The Barns at Wolftrap & Allen Stone at the Lincoln Theater. I told ya I love talking concerts! Happy weekend!
  2. wallawallamama January 27, 2023 at 11:31 am #
    Concerts! One of our best friends here hosts house shows with an eclectic list of bands on their way East after Seattle or Portland shows or West on their way to more coastal shows. 40 people in the living room and every show is divine. Hiss Golden Messenger next month! I also am lucky enough to be close to The Gorge at George, Washington. James Taylor (eons ago) with the sun setting behind him? Please. But the best? Brandi Carlile has started playing an annual show in early June. First with Emmylou Harris, then with Sheryl Crow, and last year with Sarah McLachlan. I get emotional just WRITING about it! Coming in June with Joni-freaking-Mitchell. brb, got something in my eye…
    • Nancy January 27, 2023 at 7:13 pm #
      Are you going to get to see Joni? I tried for tickets but it was a cluster kind of like what I imagine the Taylor Swift queue was 😢
  3. Katy K January 27, 2023 at 11:57 am #
    Eyebrow pencils-I love the one from E.L.F., it's kinda waxy, so it's hard to get too much on at once. It lasts quite a while, and it's not expensive. If you don't like it, you aren't out much! I fought using one for a long time because I DO NOT want to look like those old ladies who don't realize that black eyebrows don't match their gray hair! Patchy eyebrows are not attractive either, so I caved and like this one!
    • Mandy Bowkett January 28, 2023 at 9:22 am #
      I love my e.l.f. Eyebrow pencil! My daughter suggested I fill mine in a bit - they have natural arch but she was right - a few spots needed help! My first concert was Elvis in 1974 :-)…Favorites are Joe Jackson at The Lincoln, Spandau Ballet at 9:30 Club in 2015 for their reunion tour - we were second row! Chris Botti at The Birchmere…Earth Wind & Fire at Wolf Trap ❤️ I love the smaller venues the best for the sound and intimacy!
  4. Dayna Payne January 27, 2023 at 12:00 pm #
    Anastasia eyebrow wiz in medium brown is the BEST!!’ Been using it for years… my 40 years old daughter has started using it! Try it, you’ll love it. Sephora and Ulta both carry it
  5. Melissa January 27, 2023 at 12:30 pm #
    My favorite concert was Sarah McLachlan and Lisa Loeb at the Midland spring 1998. I wasn’t a huge fan, but as a poor college kid, I never said no to a free ticket. I swear Sarah played piano barefoot for 2+ hours. It was beautiful. Second is the Swell Season at the Chicago Theatre. I don’t think there was a dry eye in the place when they performed “Falling Slowly.” So moving.
    • Bev Weidner January 27, 2023 at 12:45 pm #
      Okay, I was AT THAT SHOW at the Midland! 1998, McLachlan and Loeb. It was WONDERFUL. I nearly forgot all about it!!
  6. Liz January 27, 2023 at 12:46 pm #
    Bev, I have a musical/travel suggestion for you. Have you ever been to New Orleans? Between the music, the food and the wonderful friendly people, I think you would be in heaven! I have seen the best shows of my life there and not huge head liners. Don't take it from me, your girl Taylor Swift was there a couple weeks ago (google it) and went to a show at Preservation Hall (incredible local jazz musicians) and sat among the people. No security, no entourage, and even kindly tipped the band. The Hall is small, holds maybe 100 people and there she was. Also, Kermit Ruffins (famous local trumpet player) puts on a fabulous show Friday nights at Blue Nile. He is freaking amazing! I saw Jack's Mannequin at the NOLA House of Blues back in 2011 and they ROCKED. I don't live in NOLA but have family there so I am lucky to visit often. If y'all decide to go we can talk about the food! Have a great weekend - TGIF!
    • Bev Weidner January 27, 2023 at 12:50 pm #
      I haaave been to NOLA, yes! I even played there YEARS ago (solo show) when I was in mid twenties. I've seen shows at the House of Blues as well! And YESSSS I did see that Swift was there a few weeks ago! So cool. Did you see her? Were you at that show? I would have died.
      • Liz January 27, 2023 at 4:02 pm #
        Ok good, thought you probably did know all about the magic of NOLA : ) Sadly, I was not at the show but my sis in law was!!!
  7. michele @ i-heart-baking January 27, 2023 at 1:50 pm #
    my first concert was bon jovi! my favorite concert was jason mraz, it was at an outdoor ampitheatre under the stars at a winery!
  8. CeeCee January 27, 2023 at 3:17 pm #
    My first concert Jimmy Buffet and Eagles together. My favorite concert - Basia.
  9. hammondzoo January 27, 2023 at 4:28 pm #
    Concerts in an outside venue under cover is my fave. One Republic and Marron 5 (yes, he did screw up but the music is so good). One I hate that I am going to miss is TS. My daughter and I lost a day trying to get tickets (we each had a code). Yes, we have some PTSD hostility remaining over the whole process. And eyebrow brush, not pencil. You need the bristles to shape and then the color.
  10. Angelique January 27, 2023 at 4:38 pm #
    The best show I've ever been to was St. Paul & The Broken Bones here in NOLA at Tipitina's. The venue is the perfect small size, and their performance was transcendent. I still get goosebumps thinking about it over a year later. 10/10.
  11. Theresa king January 27, 2023 at 8:16 pm #
    Robert Plant and Jimmy Page around 1995 in KC. The Kansas City Symphony and an electric hurdy gurdy (remember the little monkeys ) player played with them. It was otherworldly and I fell in love with Robert that night- literally! For eyebrow pencil, Charlotte Tilbury.
    • Rachele January 28, 2023 at 7:06 am #
      Just went to Philadelphia to see Suede and the Manic Street Preachers at the Met in November. It was magical. James at the Vic in Chicago was excellent. Suzanne Vega at the Palace here in Cleveland was incredible. I couldn’t pick my favorite of these shows if you threatened my life. Concerts….my first was Weird Al and the Monkees, thinking 1987? Had a Blast seeing The Cure. I still hope to see the Avett Brothers and Pulp. Wish I could have seen Simon and Garfunkel at some point. And I wish that Jim Croce didn’t die before I was born because I bet he put on an amazing show filled with so many stories.
  12. Melanie January 27, 2023 at 8:54 pm #
    My First concert in 6th grade was Poison and Slaughter at a rodeo in San Antonio. 😆 surprisingly good! My top show was probably seeing Radiohead in Verona, Italy at a mini Coloseum type stadium in 2001. I was in college in art school and we took the train from Florence with no tickets and followed some random guy to a dark alley and bought tickets. They were legit and we didn’t die! It was just an amazing show and I’ll never forget it. Counting Crows, Tool, David Gray, Tori Amos, Dolly, STP, Elliot Smith…so many amazing shows that I’ve seen. I just love live music. I’m sad I never saw Elton John before he retired or David Bowie or Prince…
  13. Jenny January 28, 2023 at 11:31 am #
    The Frames opened for Damian Rice at Liberty Hall. So. Very. Good.
  14. Jenn P January 28, 2023 at 3:57 pm #
    I have terrible taste in music (which will be illustrated momentarily) so my favorite show is Dave Matthews Band, at The Chelsea, in Las Vegas. (So many things wrong with that sentence, I'm sorry) Here's my justification: I've seen DMB every year (usually more than once) since 1998. Yes, I'm one of those. I grew up in Las Vegas, so when he played The Chelsea, which is a TINY 2500ish seat theater in the Cosmopolitan, I went with my best friends from high school who introduced me to Dave in the first place. It was also February of 2020, right before the world shut down and all hell broke loose. We were on the floor, mere feet from Dave, and it was glorious. I didn't go see U2 when they played the Rose Bowl and did the Joshua Tree album and I wish I would have gone. I'm not a huge U2 fan, but I wish I would have gone. Re: Lavander Haze, I read a thing today that said, "This music video looks like a Teen Vogue editorial shoot from 2009." And while that's not wrong, I also don't really mind it. It feels full Taylor to me, and if someone would find/buy/make me that crochet top with the open back, I'd love you forever. I love the Anastasia Brow Wiz product, but I think the packaging is GARBAGE. The freaking spooly falls off EVERY time and it makes me so mad that I've recently started looking for a new eyebrow pencil. (And just to try and redeem myself from the Dave Matthews Band nonsense above, A very close second runner up with be the first tour with Billy Joel and Elton John at the MGM Grand Garden Arena that I went to with my mom. SO GOOD.)
  15. Vampire Survivors February 15, 2023 at 1:37 am #
    Really your article is bringing new joy to me. An inspiring article and positive energy.

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