Frrrrrrrrrrrrrederlee doo! Wait have I done that one before?

I realized yesterday that I’m well on my way to becoming a hanger person. A travel hanger person. One of those GARMENT BAG HANGER PEOPLE.
You know what I’m talking about. Think about when your parents visit you, and they get out of the car, and then open the door to the back seat and pull out the big zipped-up plastic vinyl brown garment bag (probably Samsonite <“I was way off!”>) with the cluster of metal hanger hooks sticking out the top they’ve had since 1981.
That. I am that. Yesterday I was ironing (ugh) a few button ups (downs?) for our little Easter trip to Fayetteville this weekend, and I was complaining that I’m going to put them into my suitcase, only to wrinkle again, therefore causing me to have to iron (ugh) them again later on. And then I was like, “I need something to just contain the hangered items so they don’t wrin- ohhhhhhhh no.”
This is apparently where I am in life.
Do you use garment bags? Are they even called garment bags?
Thus bringing me to a very important question/poll: what’s a cute slash stylish garment bag I could look into?

And I know what you’re thinking.
Because I used to think it, too. “Just don’t own clothing that you have to iron.” PA-REACH. I feel you hard. Except, it’s just not reality for an old lady like me anymore.
I’ll tell you what still is reality though: “Don’t own clothes that say dry clean only.” Girl that’s the plan.
It reminds me of this Mitch Hedberg bit from yonderlore about dry cleaning. Hold on, let me look it up so I get it right.
Hold on.
Okay here it is, omg. “This shirt is dry clean only, which means, it’s dirty.”
Mitch, truer words have never been spoken. (RIP)
Garment bags though! I’m wrapping my head around this. Give me the goods.

This is something I think about at night and all the time:
You know the little Dove chocolates with the messages inside? I know we’ve talked about this before. The messages. But have you ever noticed that the messages are sort of built around inspiration for the day ahead? For the whole day that’s in front of you?
Dove, I’m not eating this chocolate at breakfast. We need to rethink these messages. I’m unwrapping that sucker post dinner and right before kitchen cleanup. 6:30pm. There’s no need to inspire me now. How about the messages say something like, “Just call it. You’re fine.”
or, “Get to this tomorrow.”
or, “Kick your feet up and finish that book already.”
or, “The kids don’t really need a shower tonight.”
or, “I won’t tell if you pour that glass of wine.”
or, “It’s okay if you don’t want to talk to anyone tonight.”
or, “No one will know if you leave right now.”
or, “The car keys are right there.”
I think?

Tell me your favorite SOUNDTRACK. All caps.
We’re road tripping today and while I’m desperate finish these last few pages of Illicit Intent and start The Nest, I’m still in the passenger seat and in charge of the tunes, bruh.
Aaron just watched Death on the Nile (the new one! oh it is GORGEOUS to look at. I didn’t watch the whole thing, just like 20 minutes.) and he said the soundtrack is outrageous. He didn’t say outrageous.
Can you imagine Aaron using a word like outrageous? Ha! I can’t remember how he phrased it. Something like, “Pulling up this soundtrack for you, Bev. You’ll love it.” That.
So we’ll throw that on. But what else! Besides Dirty Dancing and Amélie and High Fidelity, I’m dry. What should we listen to?!

Easter weekend plans?
It’s going to be a rainy WASH this weekend in Arkansas, but we’re going and I’m excited and I don’t even care. I’m making a springish potato salad for a pot luck (also that’s who we are now. pot luck people- story for another day) tomorrow at my girl Sarah’s. A bunch of old friends are getting together and hopefully the rain will chill out for a little bit so we can spill outside into the chilly 60s. We’ll be okay. This is what wine is for.
From this week, in case you missed it!::: Salmon, Leek and Potato Chowder! The perfect Easter weekend soup, if you have room on your table. And Skillet Shellbows with Shallots, Peas and Tomatoes! Ultra comforting, but still with a kick of seasonal vibrancy.
A lot of work goes into these recipes and blog posts, so if you’re able, I’d love to hear from you in the comments. I miss the dialogue we used to have with recipes. I know it’s not your job to comment and stroke a food blogger’s ego, but – it helps. It keeps me motivated to put out content for you. Keeps me inspired to give you something fun and delicious and maybe make you giggle. Because if I hear nothing, I feel nothing. I’d love some love on these posts, if you have twenty seconds. I still love ya! Just remember that the conversation is the best part about this whole blogging job. So without it, it starts to feel pointless. Which yes, is dramatic – but true. And I miss that. So much.
Okay go get Eastered! And um, garment bags. Help.
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