Happy May Day plus an extra day in May! I think.

I won’t keep you. It’s Thursday, and the rain has paused just long enough for me to get outside and get some garden ish in the ground and my window boxes pimped and the HONEYSUCKLE VINE planted (I got a honeysuckle vine! Aren’t you so excited? Don’t answer that.) and more hanging baskets hung. And while rain is my absolute favorite thing in the world, I need it to freaking chill its face long enough for my GIANT CALIFORNIA ZINNIAS TO GROW. I’m fine though. It’s fine.
The mixtape! It’s basically part deux of the old timey vintage jazz one I made you a year-ish ago. You all loved it so much that I figured I’d throw together another one for your ear holes. Definitely a background mix. Like when you’re cooking, or planning a picnic, or having the picnic I just mentioned eight words back. It’ll just blend magically into your life whilst giving you giddy pants. It’s feel good! But with moments of casual bliss. (Don’t tell anyone I just said that.)
I give you . . . the “Garden Blooms and Heirlooms” mix.
This time last year!
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