That One Post About Her Twins at Some Apple Orchard

Or as Natalie calls it, APPOOOOOOL.

That’s the way she says apple, you guys. Do you think I should call a doctor? The police?

That One Post About Her Twins at Some Apple Orchard / Bev Cooks

Before we even get into this, can we just look at last year’s photo for one second? Because I need yet another reason to set my ovaries on fire.

That One Post About Her Twins at Some Apple Orchard / Bev Cooks

DO YOU SEE THAT? DO YOUR EYEBALLS PROCESS THAT? How has it even been a year? HOW have they grown that much? HOW have I never owned a slanket!? Wait, that’s  . . . that’s not for this blog post.

That One Post About Her Twins at Some Apple Orchard / Bev Cooks

So, a couple of weekends ago we took the babies (toddlers? teens? criminals?) to an apple orchard, because as I’ve told you before, autumn doesn’t exist unless you visit an apple orchard. And we don’t dare mess around with dangerous mythical legends that I make up in my head and tell you.

It was a different lil’ venue than the one we visited last year. I can’t decide which one I like better! This one had country music blaring, which in any other circumstance I would have wanted to chainsaw my own pancreas out, but for whatever reason, it worked here. Don’t tell ANYONE I KNOW I just said that.

That One Post About Her Twins at Some Apple Orchard / Bev Cooks

There were pumpkins. (!) There was a kid play area. (!!)  There was a gazebo for singing Sound of Music songs. (!!! sorry snapchatters) There were apples. (!!!!) There was cider. (!!!!!) There were scarecrows. (.)  There were chickens. (no) Wait, roosters! Wait, hens? I have no idea. I’m terrified of all living things.

That One Post About Her Twins at Some Apple Orchard / Bev Cooks

Here’s my little brood perusing the quaint, picturesque apple rows. It was super cute to watch each gremlin with their own little basket, pumped to collect ANYTHING BUT apples. I swear, they were like, “Oooo a gnarly twig! Check out this blade of dead grass! This rotting, worm-ridden, leprotic apple is going to be delicious!”



That One Post About Her Twins at Some Apple Orchard / Bev Cooks

Because every blog post needs an overhead shoe/baby moccasin photo.

That One Post About Her Twins at Some Apple Orchard / Bev Cooks

Snow White would have a frickin’ hay day.

That One Post About Her Twins at Some Apple Orchard / Bev Cooks

Ohhhh good, Will. Good. Sticking your hand down your pants juuuuuust as we were getting Natalie to stop. Great. Good. Wonderful.

That One Post About Her Twins at Some Apple Orchard / Bev Cooks

So back to the chroosterens. They were EVERYWHERE. Just bok bok bokin’ and a cock a doo doo doodlin’ away. Aaron taught the babies how to feed them. Hand to beak, you guys. NO.

Meanwhile, I was 50 feet high in a tree, safe away from all that disgusting disgustingness. This photo is zoomed in approximately 850%. You can’t tell because I’m good like that.

That One Post About Her Twins at Some Apple Orchard / Bev Cooks

What’s up? CHICKEN BUTT.


please don’t delete me from your life.

you know what, just delete. and fast.

That One Post About Her Twins at Some Apple Orchard / Bev Cooks

See what I mean? Everywhere. And SNUGGLING. ew.

In all honesty I’m not that terrified of chickens. As long as there’s a barb wire fence, security guards and a restraining order between us, I’m totally cool!

Oh I’m kiiiiiiidding you guys.

Maybe some Valium in there, too.

That One Post About Her Twins at Some Apple Orchard / Bev Cooks

^^^I’d like to apologize to those of you upon looking at this photo will get pregnant tonight.^^^

That One Post About Her Twins at Some Apple Orchard / Bev Cooks


Of course we’re walking clichés and baked an apple pie. How can you not? Autumn doesn’t exist unless you bake an apple pie. And don’t tell Aaron I said this, but I put him in charge of slicing the apples while I wrangled the minions outside. (by the way, that’s not their Halloween costume, but more on that tomorrow.)

That One Post About Her Twins at Some Apple Orchard / Bev Cooks

So, he sliced the apples. ^^ 🙂 You know what, he was a helping hand, and that’s all that matters! Annnnnnd, once baked, they’re so compacted in their slicage, the jank disappears. (that sentence was awkward)

What apple pie recipe did we use, you ask? Only the most prestigious, sought-after, glamorous recipe ever created! The….the one on the side of the Pillsbury pie crust box. Hahahahah!


ha    ha ha haha    ha. . . hello?

But! Let me tell you what made the pie seriously spectacular. Do you remember two Diggin’ posts back, when I gabbed on and on about that fresh CINNAMON? That. THAT, my pals, is what did it. Freshly harvested and grated cinnamon right into the pie. It made such a difference! Gave it that unique “je ne sais quois.”

Is it okay that I called you pal?

That One Post About Her Twins at Some Apple Orchard / Bev Cooks

You know, autumn doesn’t exist if you don’t have apple pie for breakfast on your front porch at least once. Er. . . thrice.

That One Post About Her Twins at Some Apple Orchard / Bev Cooks

I couldn’t end this post without one more photo of the grems adoring their apple loot. Actually, I think Will is trying to decide how many earth worms he can shove into his mouth before I fall into cardiac arrest and die forever.

That One Post About Her Twins at Some Apple Orchard / Bev Cooks


The end.

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146 Responses to That One Post About Her Twins at Some Apple Orchard

  1. Lindsay October 22, 2015 at 7:30 am #
    Her little ponytail is killing me! And as always, your pictures are beautiful. Looks like a fun day!
  2. Nix October 22, 2015 at 7:44 am #
    GORGEOUS kiddos! My poor ovaries! If you think chickens are bad I hope you never come across geese!! Yikes! (they are cheeky!)
  3. Laura @ Raise Your Garden October 22, 2015 at 9:15 am #
    Gorgeous pics as always! Those twinnies are adorable.....I always call them twinkles when they comes in two's! And yes, I'm serious fertility treatments right now and asked the dr. to crank my dose and he's like "Laura, you're gonna end up with twins, is that what you want." And I'm like, YES. Please. Double the fun. And then he's like "at your age?!?....thanks a lot buddy!!"
  4. Angie October 22, 2015 at 9:26 am #
    A favor? Maybe a little video in future posts? I'm dying to hear "apoooools" :)
  5. Kathleen October 22, 2015 at 9:36 am #
    Ack chickens! I feel the exact same way about them-I wouldn't go back to that orchard and would have picked apples so fast and been back in the car it would have made your head spin. Don't ever go to Key West-they stare at you while you eat breakfast and run around free-it's horrifying. Thank goodness you had photos of your adorable babies thrown in there! :).
  6. Julie October 22, 2015 at 9:39 am #
    Yes I agree, a little video for us unsnap chatterers! Lovely photos as usual. Looks like it was a great family day.
  7. Anne Pik October 22, 2015 at 10:09 am #
    Can I just say I love you & your blog! Don't ever stop! Your humor makes my day :) Beautiful family to boot.
  8. Lauren October 22, 2015 at 10:30 am #
    Thank you for this! I'm going there this weekend. Pun'kins, apples and chick'ns. Done and done and done. (PS Love those adorbs kids!)
  9. Mary Margaret October 22, 2015 at 11:12 am #
    OMG!! Your children are adorable! What a wonderful day! Love your blog!!
  10. Dee @ The Kitchen Snob October 22, 2015 at 11:44 am #
    hahaha I love the post title. This year, we went to a new pick-your-own apple/pumpkin place but they had already picked them and cut the pumpkins off the plant so everything was just laying on the ground and you "picked" them off the ground yourself. It didn't feel the same. In my mind it didn't count! So needless to say, Autumn doesn't exist this year!
  11. Grandma Pam October 22, 2015 at 12:04 pm #
    So does this mean you don't want to come out and see our baby chicks?
    • Bev Weidner October 22, 2015 at 12:24 pm #
      Hahah! The baby chicks are fine. They don't have bleeding eyes and fangs just yet. ;)
  12. Emily October 22, 2015 at 12:37 pm #
    ugh, SERIOUSLY BEV?! Your kids are too presh. Love love love. Ovaries exploded. PS Love your snaps :)
  13. Brittany | Words Like Honeycomb October 22, 2015 at 12:42 pm #
    "set my ovaries on fire" I die. LOL.
  14. Stephanie October 22, 2015 at 1:01 pm #
    Ovaries exploded!
  15. Laurie October 22, 2015 at 6:33 pm #
    You killin' me! I think maybe Will is just obsessed with worm-like thinks at the moment....(and forever!). We have hens (female chickens) and roosters (male chickens), drakes (male ducks), hens (female ducks), crazy Guineas of both sexes and a lone female turkey. They are all hilarious to watch but when the females get broody (want to sit on eggs - "anybody's" eggs, watch out! They peck, hiss, scratch, etc. And occasionally, you get a rooster that has turned mean. They spur you (look up rooster spurs) and I was on crutches for three days from a double spur on one foot. Needless to say he is no longer with us. But, they lay delicious and healthy eggs and it is all worth it. I'll stop now with the fowl. Your pie looks delish. We have an ancient apple tree and I could probably make a pie out of some of those. We got tons this year. Motivation is the key ingredient. Wish I could pick that from a tree!!
  16. Esther Barker October 22, 2015 at 6:35 pm #
    I'm 52 and my kids are 28, 27 and 23. You seriously make me want to have another baby right now!!! Never mind, I'm closer to having grand babies at this point! I discovered you through the gal from Simplified Planner. I adore your babies, your blogs and your Instagram! Thank you for sharing your wonderful world!!! You always put a smile on my face!
  17. Laurie October 22, 2015 at 6:35 pm #
    * I meant "things" about Will!
  18. Ashley October 23, 2015 at 9:20 am #
    I just want to know how many times Natalie said "woooow!!!!!!!!!" ??
  19. Jamie October 23, 2015 at 5:51 pm #
    We went through the longest period of my little guy sleeping with his hands in his diaper, which always led to leaky diapers. How's that for yuck? Also, he says ca-wah and daw-ark instead of car and dark, among other words - everything is two syllables, which my MIL finds adorable but I haven't decided if I like...I gently correct him a lot because it really sounds like whining. BTW I'll be staring at your man and two kids soon in hopes of definitely getting pregnant, and if that isn't' the weirdest thing I've ever typed on the internet I don't know what will be... = )
  20. Bella B October 25, 2015 at 12:03 am #
    Your kids are so cute!! A day at the apple orchard is the perfect family memory! Your baking afterwards looks delicious too! xoxoBella |
  21. Adrianne Paulson December 8, 2015 at 4:14 am #
    What a lovely day! Your kids are really lucky. And CUTE. I love your family photos.
  22. Anonymous May 17, 2016 at 12:05 am #
    Ok I just discovered your blog and zeroed in on the fact that you have boy girl twins as do I AND you called them the babies which I still do even tho mine are gonna be three soonish. I can't determine how old yours are but they look to be in that age group somewhere.'re hilarious.
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