Tag Archives | thai

Slow Cooker Thai Chicken Noodle Soup


Sluuuuuuurp. Slurp, slurp, slurp. Slurpidy slurp. Oh, hi! Don’t mind me. I’m just slurping my way into 2012. I am wearing a bib though. It’s cool. Did you make any resolutions for the new year? Me either. Resolutions freak me out. If I make them I get all panicked and think, “well, I better get […]

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Thai Beef With Cabbage


I must be craving iron or something, because when I flipped across this beefy recipe out of the newest Cooking Light, my stomach joined forces with my heart and sucker punched me in the face. Oh, and guess what! Yesterday, for the first time ever in my existing life existence, I purchased my very first […]

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Thai Shrimp Curry


I’m having a mild freak attack. I am. I’m not sure what’s actually happening. If it’s reality, a dream, if I’m looking at someone else’s life, or if this is really mine. I need someone to pinch me, slap me across the face, pour a bucket of ice cold water to snap me out of […]

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Thai Pork Salad with Cellophane Noodles


I’m feeling good. My house is clean. Our trees are trimmed. My hair is brushed. There’s a 60% chance of rain tonight. This calls for champagne! For the rain chances you guys, not my brushed hair. Well, actually…..never mind. Anyway, Matthew Collins came over today for round deux of the Great Food Shooting Campaign Celebration […]

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Thai Chicken Salad


Wow, what a day for the books, huh? Half the country spent the afternoon huddled under stairs in their basements. Oprah had her final episode and the world stopped in their tracks to view it. American Idol will pick a new winner, launching a career for a ripe youngin’ into superstardom. I washed my hair. […]

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Thai Pork Salad with Cellophane Noodles


It’s Oscar night! The red carpet is littered with the rich and famous, dressed to the nine in the finest gowns and tuxes. I look pretty good, too. I’m lounged on my red sofa, wearing some designer (read: tattered) yoga pants from 1997, and my hair is in a most elegant (read: ratty) low bun […]

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Friday. Night. Thanks.


For a girl with a big mouth, I have absolutely no words today. Take this as your opportunity out. I’m kidding! …Please don’t leave me. Thai Turkey With Coconut Basmati Rice: What it took for 2, with leftovers: * 1 1/4th cup basmati rice * 1 (14.5 oz) can coconut milk * 3 Tbs. fish sauce […]

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