Tag Archives | pepperoni

Pepperoni and Artichoke Heart Pizza

Pepperoni and Artichoke Heart Pizza / Bev Cooks

I’m about to officially leave the country and head to ISRAEL (!) today, but I feel like you need some pizza first. You need some pizza, right? You really do. Aside from making your own dough, this could easily be slapped under the “dern tootin’ easy” category. You’ll chop up some artichoke hearts, you’ll grate […]

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Mini Leek and Pepperoni Naan Pizzas

Mini Leek and Pepperoni Naan Pizzas / Bev Cooks

Leeks! We’re playing with leeks. Today we’re going to play with some leeks. Leeks. But on pizza so you can breathe now. Aaron bought these mini naans with zero plans (that makes me certifiably loony), and I was like, “What are you gonna do with these?” And he said, “Oh I dunno!” ….okay? They sat. […]

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Italian Sausage and Pepperoni Stromboli


I’m not even a little bit sorry. You know sometimes when you’re just doing your thing, like sweeping the living room floor and singing “Reflections” by the Supremes into the tip of the broom, and a random taste appears in your mouth out of nowhere, and you’re like WHAT IS THAT. WHAT. IS. THAT. And […]

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