Tag Archives | croissants

Toasted Croissants with Strawberries and Mascarpone

Toasted Croissants with Strawberries and Mascarpone / Bev Cooks

How about a brunch idea?! Or a Saturday idea. Or a now idea? We’re honestly slicing, toasting, whisking, spreading, drizzling, and garnishing. That’s it. Isn’t it wonderful? And look, if you want to make the croissants yourself, that’s completely fine, ya overachiever. But it’s summer and I’m gonna breeze through these next three months the […]

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Curried Egg Salad Croissant Sandwiches

Curried Egg Salad Croissant Sandwiches / Bev Cooks

Because curried egg salad felt like the right recipe to kick off the new year! OKAY. You caught me. What was supposed to be the first recipe of the year was going to be a casserole, but it FLAWPED. (which is “flopped”, but in southern speak.) I’m only letting you know about this failure because […]

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Toasted Ham and Cheese Croissant Sandwiches

Hot Ham and Cheese Crossiant Sandwiches / Bev Cooks

For Mother’s Day! These would be for Mother’s Day. This is my vision for your life. I never make croissant sandwiches at home. Matter of fact, I’ve never made CROISSANTS at home. Have you? I hear it’s just awful. Not the final product. But the process. Takes like 18 days, and you have to pay […]

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