Tag Archives | chicken

Chicken Koftas


I’m a little nervous. You see, when we planted our vegetable garden we used our own compost along with fertilizer and manure for the bed. A nano second later we noticed sprouts appearing all OVER the bed. These weren’t seeds we planted you guys. These were volunteers. Intruders. Burglars. So we compared the sprouts to […]

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Tequila-Glazed Chicken Thighs


Summer = new grill burners. Summer = admiring your freshly mowed lawn. Summer = spotting the first group of fireflies in your back yard and remembering childhood. Summer = squealing over the first green tomatoes in the garden. (well, I squealed. Aaron not so much.) Summer = husband’s homemade pineapple and tequila cocktails. Summer = […]

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Thai Chicken Salad


Wow, what a day for the books, huh? Half the country spent the afternoon huddled under stairs in their basements. Oprah had her final episode and the world stopped in their tracks to view it. American Idol will pick a new winner, launching a career for a ripe youngin’ into superstardom. I washed my hair. […]

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Bistro Chicken Twist


About 347 years ago Aaron and I obtained a rather urban lifestyle. Freshly married, we lived in a warehouse loft downtown. We played regularly in an indie band together. We gallivanted with the city folk from social event to event. I wore high heels ‘round the clock. In short, we were hip. During those days […]

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Sweet Potato Foil Packet Tacos


We all know that I have a completely controllable, absolutely natural, no-need-to-worry-about obsession with tacos. WELL, while blog surfing the other day I stumbled across a different take on the beloved food: sweet potato foil packet tacos. Instead of a tortilla, little chunks of sweet potato cradle seasoned ground meat, fresh spinach and an array […]

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Chicken Cacciatore


I have a brand new bed in our bedroom with no frame. I have a smaller frame and a mattress sticking out of one of our guest bedrooms. I have another guest bedroom completely empty. I have one mattress in the basement and a box spring stuck on the basement stairs. Please, don’t even try […]

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Chicken and Vegetable Fried Rice


Aaron wanted to cook tonight. Let me repeat that, AARON WANTED TO COOK. I gasped, teared up, and started doing the electric slide in my living room when he delivered the news. He’s a TERRIFIC cook. He really is. He just never gets the chance to perform in the kitchen since, A) he’s either too […]

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