Tag Archives | chicken pot pie

French-Inspired Chicken Pot Pie

French-Inspired Chicken Pot Pie / Bev Cooks

BONJOUUUUR guess what – it’s très simple! FACILE. FRA-GIL-EH. Just kidding, that’s something else. So this, oh my word. Looks fancy, right? Well, it is. But let me tell you, it’s seriously not to completely wreck your psyche or send you to self-esteem camp. Opposite, actually. It’s a chicken pot pie – but FRANCE-Y fancy. […]

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Chicken Pot Pie Calzones


How do you call your lover boy? You stuff a chicken pot pie in his calzone. That’s freaking how. I’m having a mild aneurism over this whole thing actually. And actually, I do realize that I overuse the word actually. I overuse a lot of words on this blawg that probably make you want to […]

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