Tag Archives | baking

Friday Flotsam

wrapping paper / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrra! da! So I have a plan. A grand master of plan of the ultimate in psychological trickery. I’m painting my fridge. Hold on, listen. For those of you who’ve not followed along with the fridge obnoxiousness – I blame Covid. We ordered a new refrigerator in J U L Y, and each time we […]

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Chocolate Chip Ricotta Loaf

Chocolate Chip Ricotta Loaf / Bev Cooks

I baked! With a cheese! Which is super popular apparently. And holy loafers I’m a changed woman. Because you know I’m not a baker. I don’t bake. I have one bread that I make like a maniac, but outside of that I’m a baby mouse lost in a chimney. (<–it’s a thing.) But there was […]

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Friday Flotsam

tulip tree / bev cooks

FRRRRRRRRRR ew ra ho ba. (<—no idea.) I’ve been saying “crud” a lot lately. CRUD. Like when a coupon expires or when you run out of Metamucil. “Well crud!” Actually, it started a good bit before Corona. Back in February. Who says crud, though? I mean, my mom says crud. She says dern, too. “Well […]

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