Tag Archives | bacon,

Grilled Summer Pizza


I won’t speak for everyone, but I feel like for every foodie bloggerister, mastering the art of pizza dough is pretty important. Aaron and I have fiddled with about 7,325 different pizza dough recipes. Some resulting in rounds of high-fives; others resulting in pouty face parties. It just happens. Well, I’m going to surrender to […]

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Shrimp and Corn Chowder with Bacon


Do you remember the moment in Twilight when Edward is showing Bella his glass bedroom for the first time? And they nervously exchange glances of brewing desire? Remember how DeBussy’s “Clair de lune” is playing softly in the background? Remember the slight brush against Bella’s arm before he led her into a gentle, sexy twirl? […]

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Quick Spaghetti with a Fresh Tomato Sauce


You guys, it’s so hot here that when I went outside to check on the garden this morning, at least 15 ripe tomatoes had their sad little viney hands reaching up to me, begging through tears to be picked and taken indoors to a cooler, safer world. One plant even had a little boombox busting […]

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Curtis Stone Hates Me.


Earlier this spring I became quickly obsessed with an old TLC show, “Take Home Chef.” We don’t have cable, so once I discovered the show in my Netflix streaming, I clicked play, and we fell in love. It had NOTHING to do with the cute host from Australia, Curtis Stone. Absolutely nothing. His tagline at […]

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Potato, Leek and Bacon Pizza


Even when you stay at home, there’s still a magic about a weekend approaching. The energy in the air is different. Your hair blows in the breeze a little sexier. Your skin tone glows with anticipation. The flowers bloom a little brighter and the trees stand a little taller. Your nails grow a little faster […]

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Pizza Helps Snow Melt, Right?


Isn’t the old saying, “Every time a pizza is eaten, a snowman takes a beatin’?” Oh Wow, that’s pretty dark. As in Guy Noir dark. As in Kill Bill dark. As in cover your kids’ ears and hide them from me forever dark. …Who am I? I’ll tell you what I am – I am […]

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This Was Not Halloween Dinner


I’d sit here for hours and tell you all about the fantastic weekend we had with our family if I didn’t have a kitchen to clean, candy to hand out to trick-or-treaters and a stack of classic Halloween movies to watch cozy by the fire. I’ll share tomorrow, promise! As well as the festive dinner […]

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Fondue: The Healthy Way To Eat Cheese, Right?


Last night a girlfriend came over and we ate cheese.  A lot of cheese.  There was much of the dipping into the cheese.  Don’t worry, we ate our vegetables.  We coated them in cheese.  We had good, nutritious bread too.  Soaked in cheese.  We were this close to dipping any and all household objects into […]

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