Fancy Pants Topping for French Toast


We all know how to make french toast. So I’m not gonna get all food bloggery about that. BUT, I have to tell you about a quick and fancy topping you could incorporate into your weekend french toast ritual. That is if you have a weekend french toast ritual. If you do not, sit down […]

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Mussels in Cream, Shallots and Herbs (oh my!)


Okay, I’m not asking you to karate-chop a lobster, but ya just gotta try mussels. Take a deep breath, do a set of jumping jacks and tell yourself you’re a strong, adventurous eater and you’re ready to take the next step in your culinary life. Plus the finished dish looks so dang impressive you’re mighty […]

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Sweet Potato Foil Packet Tacos


We all know that I have a completely controllable, absolutely natural, no-need-to-worry-about obsession with tacos. WELL, while blog surfing the other day I stumbled across a different take on the beloved food: sweet potato foil packet tacos. Instead of a tortilla, little chunks of sweet potato cradle seasoned ground meat, fresh spinach and an array […]

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Chicken Cacciatore


I have a brand new bed in our bedroom with no frame. I have a smaller frame and a mattress sticking out of one of our guest bedrooms. I have another guest bedroom completely empty. I have one mattress in the basement and a box spring stuck on the basement stairs. Please, don’t even try […]

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Spring Vegetable Soup


Well, we wanted the heat. Mama N listened and we GOT THE HEAT. That didn’t slow us down though. After a gratifying day of gardening, gutter cleaning, gutter fixing, hedge pruning, rose bush training and even buying a new bed (aka “saving my marriage”) it’s turned into one heck of a pleasant spring evening. A […]

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Mother’s Day Canadian Bacon Strata


One month, 9 days, 8 hours and 27 minutes ago I witnessed the birth of my niece, Breckon Raney. What? I’m not obsessed at ALL with Miss Breckon. To watch her enter this world was one of the most marvelous and life-changing things I’ve ever seen. (and plan to see, whaaaa!) So this year, Mother’s […]

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Orzo Primavera

Orzo Primavera

Well hello Friday night. How you doin’? And howdy Mr. half a box of orzo. Oh, and I’d totally forgotten about you ear of corn! But not you asparagus. Not you. I see you back there, half of a red bell pepper. I remember you from earlier in the week. Ooooo, hello 1/4th of a […]

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