Plum Galette

Pie Galette / Bev Cooks

It’s Galette Day! (<–not a thing.) You know how I’ve been on a pie journey for a while now? I’ve been on a pie journey for a while now. (don’t tell my waistline.) I absolutely love making pies. Am I good at it? Jury’s still out. But making the crust from scratch is this weird […]

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Monthly Mixtape: Apple Trees and Autumn Tease

Monthly Mixtape: Apple Trees and Autumn Tease / Bev Cooks

Septeeeembaaaaaah! What I thought was going to be a hellacious month from the infected blisters of Satan’s armpit is actually looking to be more pleasant. Woo hoo! The weather keeps shifting. Dipping. Chances of rain are now popping up. My mood is improving by the hour, you guys. So let’s have a mixtape that accompanies […]

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Friday Flotsam

estate sale finds / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrwould-it-freak-you-if-I-just-typed-iday? Something happened this week that I need to share with you. I’m not proud of it. I’m not touting it by any means. But when it happened, my entire existence and the way I view the world went topsy turvy and I’m not sure how to recover from it. Maybe you can help me. […]

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Bev’s Imaginary Book Club: The Husband’s Secret, Five Star Weekend and Mad Honey

Bev's Imaginary Book Club / Bev Cooks

(in da) Book Cluuuuuuub! (<–I get excited.) It’s been a minute since we’ve gabbed about books. It’s more than time. Past time. We’re talking about three recent favorites today. I can’t stop thinking about these books. And for different reasons. If you’ve read them, you will unabashedly agree. At least I think so. Hey, maybe […]

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Friday Flotsam

Friday thoughts / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrr!r.r!.r.r!r. iday. We need to about talk ear pod bud phone thingies. I have thee nerdiest setup and I need your help. It’s because I have freakshow ear holes and nothing seems to fit! The earphones I currently wear have a cord. And they wrap around my ears. Bahahahahahah! Can you imagine? There I am, […]

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Friday Flotsam

flowers / bev cooks

Faaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeed! d! d! ay. I have a question for you, straight off the heels of finishing This is Where I Leave You. (liked the book, watching and predicting that I’ll LOVE the movie this weekend!) And let me just say right now that we will be kind to one another and myself in these comments. […]

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Arugula Salad with Summer Sausage and Avocado

Arugula Salad with Summer Sausage and Avocado / Bev Cooks

And with a shallot dressing! Because we have to make sure we know about the shallot dressing. It’s too good. I rarely post salads on this blog because they end up being suuuuch a snooze fest. No one cares! BUT, this one needed to make its way somewhere permanent because hi, summer sausage? What on […]

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